Chapter 24: Another Verbal Beatdown

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            The glares that could make even the toughest among them weak in knees. The Bat Glares are part of what makes Batman... Batman. The glare that keeps four flavors of alien, an android, an Atlanteon king, two meta-humans, and even Doctor Fate in check.

           ''Think they've been practicing that glare in the mirror,'' Lena wondered, making the rest of them collapse from frustration.

            ''I don't think that's something you can learn, Lena,'' Krinos pointed out. ''It's one of those 'you got it or you don't' type of things.''

             ''Nutjobs,'' Sam says. ''We've surrounded ourselves with nutjobs.''

             ''Look on the bright side,'' Valerie told her. ''At least none of them seem to attract bad luck like Tucker does.''

             ''Hey,'' the techno geek protested.

             ''The truth is out there, and it hurts,'' Valerie smirked.

              ''Alain, I think Tucker may need some of your ice for that burn,'' Roy joked.

              ''How cold do you want it,'' Alain asked, his hands letting out icy mist. ''Ice age, frostbite, first day of winter, dead of winter, or blizzard?''

             ''We really need to give Caitlin more credit with how she's been able to stand you for 4000 years,'' Sam says. ''I can barely stand four hours.''

             ''You all love me and you know it,'' Alain smirked.

              Danny and White gave one more second of glaring before turning around. They began to walk away when the Fenton adults did something really stupid. They opened their mouths. 

             ''You can't be adopted, you are our sons,'' Maddie screamed.

             ''We never have been, and we never will be,'' Danny glared.

              ''That is no way to talk to your mother,'' Jack says. ''We raised you.''

            ''She is not our mother, and you are not our father,'' White shouted. ''You never even raised us. Jazz did everything you were too clueless to do. She made sure we ate, she helped us with our homework, she comforted us when we had nightmares, she actually cared about us. You did nothing.''

             ''That is it, young man,'' Maddie growled. ''When we get home, yo are both GROUNDED.''

            ''You can't ground who doesn't live with you anymore,'' Danny glared.

              ''Excuse us,'' Jack interrupted.

            ''If you haven't noticed, we finally have a family that cares,'' White said. ''Someone that is actually a good person has adopted us. We've made that completely clear at this point.''

            ''We always knew that you two were never our parents, deep down,'' Danny glared. ''For the first year we were with you, we kept up with the hope. But after so long, we just stopped.''

            ''Years of being there, in a house where the only person to care about us should have been taking care of herself instead,'' White said. ''Jazz is an ambitious person, knowing she's wanted to go to an elite college since we were seven. But you have no idea how hard it's been for her. She loved us enough to always drop anything she was doing to help us.''

           ''Even when she had a boat load of homework, she would still stop doing it to help us,'' Danny retold. ''She taught us how to cook even even the human garbage disposal, also known as Jack Fenton, cleaned out the fridge of every piece of non-contaminated food. Because of all she's done for us, we know that she'll be an amazing mother one day.''

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