Chapter 15: Phantom's Keep

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              While Team Phantom and Young Justice were taking inventory of what was left in the Specter Speeder Bus, the class stared at them. These were not the same five kids that they have been in the same class with. Everything they had ever thought they knew about them was being proven wrong.

          Tucker, the once weak techno geek and complete flirt. Now, he was dating Sam and seemed to be more of a techno warrior than a techno geek. Sam, the school goth and ultra-recycle vegetarian. Now, she seemed to have come out of her shell and was like a beautiful black rose in a bush of wilted red ones. Valerie, the bitter girl that blamed ghosts and mystics for ruining her life. Now, she was full of life and had let go of all her bad feelings toward them.

            The biggest shock had been the twins. White was known as sweet, kind, innocent, and quiet. But here, he was so outgoing and had the talent to go in front of a huge crowd of ghosts and mystics and blow them away. Danny had always been quiet, not confident, and clumsy. Here, he was a born leader and stood up to everyone, also seemed like he could actually hold fragile things and not break them. It was like they were completely different people.

           Dash had called over a meeting of the A-listers. The group of popular kids was now on their own, some still staring at the Mystery Five.

            ''Anyone have any ideas what's been up with Fenturd and Tone Deaf,'' Dash asked them.

           ''It's like they are completely different people,'' Star says. ''That concert, White put on, was amazing. Never knew he could sing.''

            ''So what if he can,'' Paulina insulted. ''He's still the same loser he ever was. A nobody.''

           ''How can you still say that after everything you've seen,'' Kwan said. ''If it wasn't for them, we would still be rotting away in that prison.''

            ''That was probably just luck,'' Dash growled. ''Not like they did anything really special. I could have beat that ghost and got us out any time I wanted to. Those two were, and still are, weak.''

           This was really starting to annoy Star and Kwan. Sure, they were still A-listers, but they haven't bullied anyone in two years. They couldn't bring themselves to after they saw parts of who the twins really were.

          Star saw Danny's compassion. She once injured her ankle during cheerleader practice. Paulina and the other cheerleaders didn't notice or care. But then Danny found her trying her best to stand, even when she couldn't. He offered to help, and didn't take 'no' for an answer. No matter how much she insulted him, he continued his work. He made her a make-shift cast and helped her to the nurse.

           Kwan saw White's kindness. He had come out of the bathroom, having been crying over the anniversary of his father's death. White saw his red eyes and asked what was wrong. At first, he didn't say anything but White had been the only one to ask if he was okay all day. The other A-listers didn't even care. White generally cared about how he was and he helped him cope with his pain. He'd never be able to bully him after that.

            ''What about the fact that they know superheroes,'' Kwan challenged. ''That they're friends with them. Those two aren't the same little kids you used to slam into lockers on a daily basis.''

             ''It's just pity,'' Paulina says, flicking her hair. ''They must be so lame that they're just pretending to be their friends out of pity because of how lame they are.''

              ''Yeah,'' Dash agreed. ''That team would jump at the chance to be friends with any of us.''

              ''You're just in denial,'' Star stated.

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