Chapter 3: The Team

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          Recognized: Phantom, B07. Gold Siren, B08.

         The twins appeared inside Mount Justice. The only team members in the room were Beast Boy and Blue Beetle.

          ''Jaime, Garfield,'' White called.

           The two youngest members of Young Justice looked over at them as they flew over. They smiled at their friends being here. Gar jumped over and hugged White.

      ''I get that you're a huger, but do you really have to hug us every time we come,'' Danny raised an eyebrow.

         ''Let him have his fun, Phantom,'' White chuckled.

         ''Come one, the others are waiting,'' Jaime told them.

         The four of them walked down the hall, to the living room. Other members of the team were there. Nightwing, Superboy, Miss.Martian, Red Arrow, and Aqualad. They always made sure to keep Artemis and Kid Flash away from the two.

         As the two flew in, they were happy to see Nightwing. He put on a bright smile when he saw that they had arrived.

          ''Big brother,'' White cried.

           He crashed into Nightwing with a big hug. Danny soon followed, but in a much gentler way than his twin.

         Y'all must be very confused at this point, so allow me to explain. After a few months of the two fighting ghosts and magical creatures, they caught the attention of the Justice League. They saw the amount of power the twins had, so they sent the team to investigate. That's when Nightwing noticed how much they looked like him when they were in their human forms. Turns out, the twins were in fact his brothers. They had been separated in the adoption process.

         Imagine the joy of the twins when their long lost older brother showed up with a group of other teen heroes. Course, none of them know Nightwing's identity, so they jut think it's an adopted brother type of relationship. Like Miss.Martian and Beast Boy. They also followed the Bat Family code of not revealing their identities to them.

         Nightwing was only a year older than the twins. Seventeen. The only ones that truly know the relationship between the three were Batman (duh), Aqualad, and Red Arrow. Not to mention the other three Bat Brothers: Red Hood, Robin, and Red Robin. They all knew about the incident, so they were all protective of the twins.

         The twins were happy to join the team, even as they were all pretty busy in their own home town. They felt normal around others like them. The two even helped them build their own portals to the Ghost Zone in the cave and Bat-cave.

         They kept Artemis and Kid Flash away because of how they treated the twins. Kid always preached about there being no such thing as magic and kept trying to diminish their powers to something caused by science. Artemis just didn't trust them, thinking like the Fentons on how their kinds were evil. Quite pathetic, really. 

         ''So, what up with the sudden summons,'' Danny asked.

         ''We heard on the grape vine that the Guys In White have invented tech that can literally suck the magic energy from your kinds,'' Kaldur informed.

         The bright faces of the twins instantly fell. They all hated the Guys In White from the many times that they tried to destroy the Ghost Zone or try to capture the twins. They may always kick their butts, but it is annoying.

         ''Not again,'' Danny complained.

          ''How many times does this make for them trying to destroy the Ghost Zone,'' White asked. ''I stopped counting after the time they tried to shoot a rocket into the zone.''

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