Chapter 4: Welcome To The Ghost Zone

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          ''This is a bad idea,'' White says.

          ''White,'' Danny called.

          ''This is a really bad idea,'' White repeated.

          ''White,'' Valerie called.

         ''This is a really really bad idea,'' White said a third time.

         ''WHITE,'' all five of the others yelled.

          ''WHAT,'' White asked.

         ''Calm down or you'll shatter every window in town,'' Sam says.

          ''And if you say that this is a bad idea one more time, I am going to explode,'' Danny told him.

           ''I can't help but rant when I get nervous,'' White said. ''Just be happy that I was doing it in English. Normally, I rant in Greek.''

           ''Pandora probably appreciates that,'' Jazz says.

           ''Alright, people, time to go through our checklist,'' Tucker announced, looking at his PDA. ''We only have an hour before the class gets here. Jazz.''

         ''Got a set of thermos's, lipstick lazers, fenton tails, wrist rays, and a fully compacted bazooka,'' Jazz listed. ''Also, extra food and cloths for you guys.''

          ''Valerie,'' Tucker asked.

         ''Red Huntress is prepped and ready to come out and play,'' the ghost hunter smirked. ''Got to love this huntress watch. I'll have to remember to thank Nightwing for it later.''

           ''Sam,'' Tucker requested.

         ''I think i'm finally getting a handle on my powers,'' Sam says. ''After the whole Undergrowth thing, i'm getting a real good handle on controlling plants. This dryad thing is kind of fun. Mostly because I finally know what a dryad is.''

          ''And last, out hometown heroes,'' Tucker finished.

         ''Trying not to scream and take down the entire town's supply of glass,'' White said.

          ''On a more serious note, we're prepared,'' Danny informed. ''The only hard part is trying to find a way to transform with a Specter Speeder Bus full of people.''

         ''I wish I could come with you guys, but this trip was only for your class,'' Jazz says.

          ''We do have the Fenton Phones, so we can call you, or any member of the team, in case we need help,'' Danny says.

         ''Which would most likely be because of Walker or Vlad,'' Tucker said. ''I'm just saying.''

          The others just face-palmed.

        ''If we do need the team, try for Nightwing or Aqualad,'' White says. ''Miss.Martian would just try to please everyone. Superboy would try to kill the first person that annoys him. Beetle and Beast Boy wouldn't be taken seriously.''

        ''This is gonna end badly, I just know it,'' Danny pulled at his hair. 

         ''Relax, Danny,'' Valerie told him. ''Not only do you have us, but you also have the team, most of the Ghost Zone, and the whole of the Mystic Isles.''

         ''Any one of our friends could hurt,'' Danny still freaked. ''Jack and Maddie could attack any of them. Wulf, Cujo, Danielle, Frostbite...''

         ''DANNY,'' the five others yelled, stopping him.

         ''At least i'm not the only one freaking out,'' White slightly chuckled.

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