No More Dreams

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I walked down the rest of the hallway with her when we finally got to the office the lady there looks at me and smiles she tells me to sit i do. I see her pick up a phone and call someone i look around and all thats going through my mind is " does someone love me?, is someone adopting me?, and are they nice?" they are all questions that matter then i see the office lady smile at me and put down the phone hannah leaves the room and walks the same way as my room. The office lady waves to my as if she wants me to go to her so i get up and walk over....hey Lilly she says with a big smile. Can you go to your room and clean all your stuff up she pulls out these suitcases and gives them to me i smile and nod. I get to my room and see hannah there.....hey Lil im just cleaning up a bit i see that all my sheets are off the bed then suddenly i feel this big rush of exsitement come over me and i just want to cry tears of happiness and run around but i dont...i start packing my clothes * when im done packing* hannah looks at me and smiles come on Lilly lets go she grabs my hand and we walk to the office as we are walking she looks at me....LILLY i jump because she was yelling all the sudden she grabs my shoulder sorry then starts to whisper...i cant hold it in anymore Lil your being adopted and your a single child of uh LOGAN PAUL my eyes open wide even though we dont have tvs or phones or tablets he still is well known around here her eyes are wide to but Lilly you have to promise that you wont tell that i told you i smile and nod we walk to the office i walk through the door and i see HIM.

343 words

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