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The girl got up and walked towards me. She looked me in the eyes. "Im kelly, your new older sister" she said with a smile. She hugged me, i didn't know how to feel...i dont have many feelings anymore, how old are you? I asked "16" she said and i looked at logan..."so kelly, should we show you to your room?" said logan and she nodded. We all went up the stairs. Logan showed her the room and he did the same exact thing he did when i moved in. I went to my room so that logan could have some time with kelly i went over to my bed and played on my phone for like 3 hours until i heard a knock at my door....COME IN! I said and kelly opened the door, " right?" she said and i nodded. She hand her phone in her hands she reached her arm out and gave me her phone " put your number in...please" she said and i did as she asked. I put in my number, and then added her into the "family❤" group. I handed back her phone " thanks" she said and left the room then logan came in i rolled my eyes " she's not permanent" he said and i stoped what i was doing....what do you mean shes not permanent? I said.and he sat down " she's a foster kid im taking care of her for 1 month" he said and i sighed, so you dont want me to get close to her? I said " no,no, not at all you can get close to her i just wanted you to know" he said and left the room. I was kinda confused but whatever. I got a text from the family❤ group chat

Daniel- D
Jack- JA
zach- Z
Corbin- c
Jonah- J
Lilly- LI
kelly- K

K- hey im really not sure who everyone here is... i just wanted to say hi, im kelly.

JA- lilly?, did you let a fan join the chat?

LI- dont you think if she was a fan she would know who you guys

JA- you have a point...who is she?

LI- my older sister

Z- sister?

D- sister?

JA- sister?

C- sister????

J- what the, sister???

LI- have you guys been reading our texts?

Z- maybe


C- can we get back on the fact that you have a new sister?

JA- yeah how old is she😉?

LI- shut up jack!

JA- ok, ok

K- im 16

JA- Damn It

D- hey kelly, im old enough for you.

LI- can you stop hitting on my older sister? Plus shes only temporary.

K- lilly has a point i can't really date any of you anyways.

D- jack, can we both crawl into a little hole and die.

Z- you dont want to date any of Logans kids anyways trust me he will hunt you down.

D- that is true...belive zach i mean after all he is dating lilly

K- hold on zach is dating my baby sister?

LI- im only a year younger than you.

K- you are still my younger sister

Z- carp

K- carp?

Z- oh Damn it i meant to put crap

K- lol

D- 😂

Z- shut up Daniel or i will take a get a plane ,fly over to you and beat you up.

D- do it i dare you.

LI- stop fighting lol

Z- fine.

D- do we have to?

Z- 😡

LI- daniel...

D- what?

LI- just shut your mouth...wait, would you have to shut you fingers beacuse we are texting?

Z- idk

K- hello? You guys just kinda went off on your own conversation.

LI- i never said you guys couldn't talk.

D- kelly text me


K- ok

LI- bish wtf -_-

I put down my phone and run into Kelly's room...YOU BETTER NOT TEXT HIM i said and jumped on her.

" to bad" she said and started to text him. I pulled her phone out of her hands and ran out of her room i went into my room and locked the door i started to text Daniel

Daniel- D
Kelly- K

K- you ever text my sister i will get logan to take me to the WDW house and i will muder you.

D- why would i text lilly? Shes with zach i mean dont kill me but shes pretty and all but zach took her. Im also to old...but shes almost 16. I might have dated her if zach didnt. Dont tell her or logan but i think i like her. But shes taken and you seem like a nice girl..

K- oh...

K- i have to go

D- ok

I deleted all the texts unlocked the door and stared into a mad Kelly's eyes she grabed her phone "DONT TAKE MY PHONE" she said and followed it by a laugh.
She walked back to her room and i walked to my bed i opened my phone and saw a message from Daniel i took a deep breath and looked at the message

Daniel- D
Lilly- LI

D- your sister just threatend to kill me lol.

LI- oh..haha lol, why

D- because she thinks im texting you and talking to you.

LI- and you are

D- crap

LI- you mean carp

D- that was zachs mistake lol

LI- whatever


LI- im still going to correct you even if it wasnt you who said carp. Every time you say crap im going to say carp.

D- you do you lol

LI- i will lol

I put down my phone. I should have been more specific, and said you talk to kelly again i will murder you...but i guess i got something out of him...but did i really want to know that he likes me....well i learn something new every day i guess.

1000 words

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