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Logan's POV
I watch as a ambulance pulls in and they put her on a stretcher. I run over to them and get in the back of the ambulance with her holding her hand the whole way to the hospital. "Stay with me" i whispered to her. We got to the hospital and they ran down the hall with her i ran after of course. We got to a room and the doctor closed the door before I got in. I banged on the door... they can't just leave me out here i need to see her again... i sit on the chair outside the door with tears streaming down my face. Why did I even talk to that man? I should have gone to court or something....i am sitting on the edge of my seat with my body shaking scared to death... finally after a hour a doctor and nurse walk out. My eyes open wide and I stand up immediately. "Sir, Lilly paul is in room 126" he said "thanks" I responded and ran down the hall to her room I see her laying there with her eyes closed bruises all over her. I sit down on the chair. "Lilly, if you can here me, I'm sorry, and I love you." I stated, that was the last thing I ever said her. The machine next to her bed flat lined I ran out calling for help.. four five doctors came, but it was to late...

"Time of death.. 3:42"

Hi guys, just a short thing from the author, I kind of stoped getting inspiration for this book, and that is why I'm ending it here, I am thinking of branching off and trying new things, I am working on books right now and they will be released soon. Thanks for reading : )

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