"Tonight my room is dark and quiet
My heart is crying
And my body is aching
No one is here to tell me it's going to be okay
I'm all alone
Under my teal bed sheets hoping maybe it'll catch all my sadness and when I wash them it will go away and be replaced by the scent of flowers
And maybe I'll throw my pillow in there too cause it smells like it has a case of the blues
I close my door because even if everyone is asleep I don't want to wake them with the waves of anger and sadness radiating off me
While everyone else sleeps soundly looking so peaceful like nothing in the world can touch them;
I'm being crushed in my own little world of destruction
And no matter how hard I try to just sleep it away it never lets me go that easy
Cause my life is a nightmare and my dreams are too
And every day I come home just to lay in bed and pray that tomorrow I don't wake up
So that I too can look like a long lost angle in the form of a human
Nothing could ever hurt me that way."
Okay honestly I don't like this one at all but I didn't know what to write so yea there ya go sorry
-Your very own broken girl💜
Midnight wonders
Poetry•Exulansis: the tendency to give up trying to talk about an experience because people are unable to relate to it •Sciamachy: a battle against imaginary enemies, against your own shadow. •Eccedentesiast: a person who fakes a smile For some people...