Poem #21

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"I dive
Feeling alive
I hit the water
And suddenly I'm sinking
I try screaming
But no one can hear me
And if they do
They ignore me
Cause they're too cool
So I end up at the bottom of the pool
Trying to drown my thoughts out
I can't take this anymore
My body hits the floor
I can see the sky
And all it's bright burst of colours
Mixing together to create a swirl of nature
It's so blue
Suddenly my heart stops
And I can't breathe
I reach for the sky
My finger tips touching the clouds
Swirling them all together
Making it a beautiful mess
Just like me."
For the record, I am not beautiful. Just a mess. But saying "making it a beautiful mess just like me" sounds poetic and what not so I added it.
Love, your very own broken girl💜

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