"E v e r y t h i n g i s f a l l i n g
a p a r t
But not fast
Like how a fire starts up
More like how rain falls from the sky
Of blood falls from my wrist
E v e r y t h i n g i s f a d i n g
But not in a visible way
Like how your eyes get blurry right before you fall asleep
It's more like when everything you once understood is now so confusing
Or when you lie in bed not able to feel anything but your heart breaking
E v e r y t h i n g i s s o t i r i n g
But not in a physical way, as if I can't move
It more like my brain can't function because I was up all night fighting in a battle with myself
And my body might just give out because of all the weight on my shoulders
A n d i m d r o w n i n g
But not because I can't swim in the deep end of the swimming pool
The reason is simple
I'm done trying to fight my way back to the top with chains tied at my feet
A n d s o n o w i c a n t b r e a t h e
And you know what happens when you can't breathe?
Y o u d i e."
Midnight wonders
Poetry•Exulansis: the tendency to give up trying to talk about an experience because people are unable to relate to it •Sciamachy: a battle against imaginary enemies, against your own shadow. •Eccedentesiast: a person who fakes a smile For some people...