"Your smile is yellow
But your tears are blue
And all I want you to do
Is tell me what's hurting you
But instead you turn your wrist red
And your eyes grey
While you turn to me to say,
You wish you were dead
But oh my darling,
Can't you see?
Even the best things don't start off green
You have to go through shades of back and white
Do discover your might
And even on your worst colours
I'll be here for you
Until your tears aren't blue,
Or your eyes aren't grey
Until your wrist aren't red
And you turn to me to say
Your glad you're not dead."
Midnight wonders
Poesía•Exulansis: the tendency to give up trying to talk about an experience because people are unable to relate to it •Sciamachy: a battle against imaginary enemies, against your own shadow. •Eccedentesiast: a person who fakes a smile For some people...