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My face flushed with everything Letha told me. "So everyone in the hallway heard me?" I asked.

She nodded as we waited for Norman to pick her up while I wait for Roman. "Some of the guys were getting turned on and thought they could get you to go down on them."

I shook my head. "That is disgusting. I would never do that." Letha gave me a look. "To them." I sighed as we looked around. "Is the bet still going on?"

She adjusted her backpack. "$200 by the end of the year." I sighed as I placed my head on her shoulder. "Hey, just ignore them. Roman isn't going to break up with you." I opened my mouth to retort, but she cut me off. "Or cheat. He's crazy about you. He wouldn't want to ruin a good relationship." We heard my stomach growl. "When was the last time you ate?"

I didn't look at her. "About two days ago." When Roman got me to eat that apple.

Letha looked down at me. "Lee -"

I removed my head from her shoulder. "It's not that big of a deal. I finally fit into my costume for the dance tonight."

"You mean the same one that fits you from a month ago?"

"It was tight around my hips."

She gave me another disappointing look. "Lee, you need to eat. Starving yourself isn't good for your health." She looked through her bag and pulled out a granola bar. "Eat."

"Not hungry," I lied. But my stomach betrayed me.

Letha held the bar in front of my face. "Please, Lee. I don't want you to go to the hospital." I slowly grabbed the bar and unwrapped it. I looked at Letha, who was giving me a nod, before taking a bite. She kept watching me, so I couldn't spit it out. I kept munching on it until the whole bar was gone. "Better?"

I gave her a small smile. "A bit."

Norman's car pulled up and Letha hugged me. "See you tonight."

I nodded. "Yeah. We're picking you up."

She nodded before she ran towards the car. I adjusted my bag and waited a few seconds before Roman's car pulled up. I smiled as I ran towards it. It got even bigger when Peter was in the passenger seat. I threw my bag in the back before climbing through the driver side.

"Hey, Peter," I greeted as I crawled towards the middle. I let out a little squeak when I felt Roman's hand on my ass.

"Lana," He greeted back as I squished myself between them.

I smiled at Roman before I have him a quick peck. He smiled back before he sped down the road. I sighed happily as I leaned back in the seat. It felt nice feeling the wind kissing my skin.

Peter looked around the car in amazement after Roman turned the radio on. "Nicolae has the biggest boner in heaven right now!" Peter exclaimed. He looked up towards the sky and said something in another language. Roman and I gave him a confused look. "He's my grandfather."

"Ah," Roman said.

"We like wheels, us people."

Roman smiled. "Yeah, my dad use to drive me around in it. He knew every back road and speed trap for a hundred miles. My mom would have killed him if she knew the way he would drive with me in the car."

"At least you guys got speed," I piped up. "The fastest Cam would go is 65."

Roman scoffed. "Because he's a pussy." I smacked his arm. "Ow!" For payback, Roman squeezed the sensitive part of my thigh. I screeched before I jumped on Peter's lap. "Hey, hey. Get back over here."

"No way." I looked at Peter. "Switch with me?"

He shook his head. "I rather enjoy having a boy girl pattern in the seats. And I don't want my thighs squeezed. He hasn't taken me out on a date yet." Then he smirked at me. "So looks like you're screwed."

Roman smirked as I slid back towards the middle. "I hate the both of you."

"No, you don't," They both replied.

I rolled my eyes before looking at Peter. "So, where's your dad?"

Peter shrugged his shoulders. "Still out for the proverbial pack of smokes, I suppose."

"You know, they say that being raised by a single mother makes you more sensitive to, like, chicks and stuff," Roman said.


Roman chuckled. "Just look at Lee and her Uncle Cam."

My mouth flew open as I hit the back of his head. "You ass," I said, but couldn't help the little laugh.

Roman shrugged his shoulders and laughed. "You are what you eat."

Peter chuckled as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Hey, this is good because I'm a pretty sensitive guy."

I gave him a amused look. "Maybe I should be dating you instead." We looked towards Roman and laughed at his offended look. I unwrapped Peter's arm to lean over and kiss Roman's cheek. "Oh, you know I love you."

"I know."


We arrived at Peter's house a few minutes later. Peter was about to climb out, but Roman stopped him.

"Weird," He said as he looked at Peter's notebook. His gaze was mostly focus on that snake eating its tail drawing.

"What?" Peter asked.

"I had a dream about that the other night." Peter didn't say anything. "You can feel it, can't you?"


"Whatever it is that's down there."

"The septic tank?"

"Deeper." Peter didn't speak. "I get this feeling sometimes, like something really important is about to happen."

Peter sighed. "Thanks for the ride." Then he got out. He spun around and pointed at me while he's still looking at Roman. "And take care of your girl."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What's that suppose to mean?" I asked. I didn't like the way he said it. It's like a warning of some kind.

Peter shrugged his shoulders. "Just to take care of you, that's all. Wouldn't want anything to happen, now, do we?"

Then he turned around and walked down the stairs to his trailer home. The confused look ever left my face as I slid to the passenger seat.

"Could he be anymore cryptic?" I asked. I looked at Roman to see him staring off into space. "Roman." He didn't answer. I shook his shoulder. "Roman?" He blinked a couple of times. "You ok?"

He nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine."


A/N: What are they hiding? What do you think Peter meant by that?

Sorry for this short crappy chapter.

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