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I sighed in disappointment when Roman came dressed as a grave robber, but I get it. We had to camouflage ourselves in case we get caught. Roman's only claim was that he came dressed like Peter. In my case, I only came in a dark hoodie.

"They're coming to get you, Barbara," Roman joked in a creepy high pitched voice. "They're coming for you, Barbara!" That got a chuckle out of me and Peter.

"Is there like a summer school for serial killers?" Peter asked as we walked further towards the grave.

I shivered at that thought. "Probably. First rule of torture, have a class in a room where it's hot and the air conditioner won't work." Then I pitched my voice while blocking my face like the Wicked Witch of the West. "I'm melting." Then Peter and Roman started laughing. "I'll get you Roman and your little werewolf, too."

Peter nudged Roman. "Someone get the water bucket." Then we made it to the gravestone. "Shee-it."

Roman and I nodded in agreement. "Shee-it."

Then Roman sighed as he handed me and Peter a shovel. Well, we better start digging. We only dug for a good minute before my arms started getting tired. Man, I need to workout more.

"How many funerals have you been to?" Roman asked Peter after a while.

"A few. Rumanceks are reliably kicking it as a result of positive lifestyle choices."

"Fun," I panted sarcastically.

"What are they like for...for you people?" Roman wondered. "Funerals, I mean."

That got me to stop and look at Peter. I'm kinda wondering myself. Since he's a wolf and a gypsy, they probably have their special way of having funerals. Not that I'm judging, I was just wondering.

"Committed," Peter answered. "You're not allowed to eat or wash, mirrors are covered, and the dead guy's stuff is burnt."

"Why?" I asked this time as I got back to digging.

"Because a Rumancek should not be remembered for his worldly things." Peter stopped digging as he stared at the ground. Lost in thought for a second. "They also cut off their head."

"What?" Roman and I said, completely shocked.

"Things happen to our kind after death if you don't do the head."

"What kind of things?" Roman questioned.

"The bad kind."

Now I don't want to know what kind of bad things happen.

Roman continued shoveling. "I've been to two funerals. One was my dad's. It's all pieces. I remember hearing the shot and going downstairs. He was on the floor. I remember thinking how much trouble he'd be in for the mess."

Peter's mouth flew open at Roman's confession. "That's fucked up."

Roman, being Roman, waved it off. "Dig."

And he did. I stabbed the tip of my shovel on the dirt as I wiped the sweat off my forehead. "I've been to two funerals. Well, one if you really think about it since it they were on the same day." Roman froze in his spot for a moment before he started digging again. He knows what happens, I guess he was just as shocked that I'm telling Peter.

I took the shovel out and started digging again. "My mom was taking some anti-depressions. My dad and I thought she was getting better. We were wrong because the next thing I knew...I found her body dangling from the staircase."

Peter's head snapped towards me. "What?"

I held my hand up. "If you think that's a real kick in the ass, I tried calling my dad. I heard his phone, but I also found his body in his room. One glass of whiskey in one hand, a gun in the other, bullet right through his head."

"He killed himself?" Peter asked in disbelief.

I nodded. I looked towards Roman before looking at the ground. "Yeah. Police report says that he found my mom first and had a meltdown before taking his life."

Peter was quiet for a bit. "Shee-it."


No one spoken after that. We finally dug deep enough to reach the coffin. I held the lantern as Peter and Roman opened the coffin, only to find the body missing.

"Where is she?" Peter asked. I moved the lantern around. I don't get it. It's not like she just got up and walked away. "Hold on." He opened the lower half of the coffin and I jumped back when there was indeed a body. "Oh, fuck me."

I covered my nose from the stench. I think I'm going to be sick. There is a a body, just half of it. "Oh, my god," I muffled through my hand.

Peter hand his hand out. "Get the thing from my bag."

Roman jumped over the hole and grabbed the bag while Peter motioned me to come closer with the light. Oh, hell no. I don't want to go anywhere near it...but I have to. I held my breath before leaning over Peter and held the light up high. Peter started unbuttoning the girl's shirt. My eyes widen when her stomach revealed the stitches the doctors did from shoving the intestines back. I crinkled my nose at the sight. Roman handed Peter the box cutter.

Peter placed his hand on the girl's forehead. "You don't deserve this."

Then he started cutting her open. The amount of blood coming out made a little bit of vile come up my throat. I could hear the squishy sounds of her skin being ripped.

"You make this look easy," Roman commented.

I held my hand over my mouth when I could see her intestines. "Guys, I think I'm going to be sick." Peter reached inside and pulled her long intestine out. He started shoving it into the bottle. I quickly handed the lantern to Roman. "Ok, I can't deal with it. Let me know when it's over." Before I throw up everywhere.

I ran towards the corner of the hole and began panting. I could hear the sounds of her intestines. I started dry heaving. That's really disgusting.

"What's your cousin gonna do with that?" Roman asked.

"What she can," Peter said. "No promises."

I made the mistake of taking a peak. I could see Peter struggling to shove more intestines in the jar. I turned around and held my hand over my mouth. I won't throw up. I won't throw up. I felt a hand on my back before Roman started making slow circular motions.

"The other funeral..." he trailed off.

"Yeah?" Peter asked.

"It was Shelley's."

Peter stopped for a minute before continuing. I heard the jar shut before he started screwing the lid.

"Lana, you can look now," he said.

I slowly turned around to see him place the jar in the bag. My head snapped up when I heard a vehicle approaching. Uh, oh. Roman must have heard it, too, because he placed his fingers in front of his lips - telling me to be quiet. I nodded as he looked over the hole. I'm so glad he's tall. I would have to jump to even get a glimpse.

Roman grabbed my hand and pulled me down with him. "Someone's here," he whispered frantically to Peter. "Someone's here, someone's here, someone's here."

"Damn it," Peter cursed under his breath.

Roman quickly threw the shovel over before hoisting himself up. Peter tossed the bag over and jumped. When I tried to, I didn't even make it towards the edge.

"Guys!" I whispered harshly.

They both reached down. I jumped again as they each grabbed my arm. They pulled me up until I could swing my leg over.

"Geez, Lana, what have you been eating?" Peter asked. I looked down at myself. Nothing. I haven't have anything. Am I really that heavy?

Roman noticed my hesitation and grabbed my arm. "He's kidding," he spoke softly. "He's kidding, but we got to go."

 I nodded before grabbing the lanterns and we bolted out of there.


A/N: I want to apologize to anyone who might be sensative for this chapter. I thought about doing a flashback for that event, but decided against it.

*Not edited.*

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