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I can't believe Roman and kissed. I had to make sure my face wasn't as red as a tomato when I went home with Uncle Cam. I'm just glad it was the weekend, so I could avoid Roman. But all good things must end because today is Monday and I have class. Fun.

I've been avoiding Roman whenever we would have class. I didn't look at him, I didn't speak to him. I just wrote in my notebook and quickly left before he had the chance to talk to me. Then I groaned in annoyance when I remember that he sits next to me for science...which was next period.

I was first in class and see the our teacher looking over today's lesson at his desk. I adjusted my bag and made my way over. I cleared my throat and Mr. James looked up.

"Miss Brekker, what can I do for you?" He asked as he adjusted his glasses.

I bit my lip. "I was wondering...if I could switch partners for the project?"

"Anything wrong with Mr. Godfrey?"

Besides the fact that I don't want to face him after we kissed. "No. I - I just feel like..." Think of something Lyanna. "...he might bring my grade down."

"Or maybe you'll bring his grade up."

I sighed as more students began piling in the room. "Is there anyway I could switch partners? Work alone or something?"

Mr. James sighed as he leaned back in his seat. "I'm sorry, Miss Brekker. I already signed you your partners for the rest of the year. You're just going to have to stick with Godfrey for the remainder of it." Yeah, fuck off, Mr. James.

I sighed again as I looked up and see Roman sitting in his seat. I gripped my bag as I made my way next to him. Great.

Flashback Over

Letha and I walked arm and arm to the dance. I love coming to dances with Letha. Every time we would go, we would make faces at each other and dance till our heels kill us. And that's what we're doing now because Roman would never dance with me.

Letha made another funny face before she looked behind me. I followed her gaze to see that Tyler kid looking around the dance. I remember him, he use to be friends with Brooke Bluebell. Letha's gaze softens. Another thing I love about Letha is her compassion for others.

I smiled at her. "Go check on him."

She looked at me. "You sure?"

I nodded. "I'll be fine. I'll just go get Roman and me some drinks. Hopefully, it's not spike this time." I looked over to see Roman eyeing me up and down, then glaring at this Rudy Turner - who was checking me out. "And hopefully Roman doesn't kill Rudy when I get there."

Letha chuckled at me before leaving. I made my over to the punch table and grabbed two cups. When I turned around and made my way towards Roman, I see slutty Ashley Valentine trying to flirt with him. Roman paid no attention to her as he saw me coming.

"No," He said.

"Come on. I don't see Lyanna anywhere. You could finally dance with someone who's up your speed," Ashley flirted. Who the hell does she think she is?

I gave Roman a smile. "Roman!" Then I 'accidentally' tripped and spilled our drinks all over her. Ashley gasped. "Oh, my god, Ashley. I'm so sorry." I gave her a satisfy smirk. "We all know what a klutz I am."

Ashley groaned. "You did that on purpose!"

I raised my eyebrow at her. "Did I?" Ashley stomped her foot before walking away. I heard Roman laughing. "What?"

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