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After hours and hours of staying by Roman's side, Oliva told me to freshen up. So, that's what I did. She gave me a towel to shower at her house. The hot water cascading down my body. The droplets was burning my skin but I didn't care. I shut my eyes tight as I let more tears fall. I hate crying. It's like I've been doing nothing but cry the past few days. It hurts that Roman isn't here with us.

Roman might be selfish. He might be an arrogant jackass. But I couldn't help myself when I fell for him. From our stupid makeout session to meaningless sex...we actually started a relationship. I don't even know how it happened. We hated each other until - until something just clicked between us.

"Move out of the way, Dwarfette," A voice sneered.

I glared up at the guy. "Maybe you should, Pencil Dick." The least he could do is help, but, no, he decided to be the world's biggest jackass.

The guy rolled his eyes before walking away. "Bitch," I heard him mumble.


The first time we met. I remember it like it was yesterday. Man, I thought Roman was a major jackass just like everyone else. But, unlike them, I began getting to know Roman for the guy he really is. The guys were jealous of him. The girls wanted to suck his dick all the time. It was the family name that made Roman who he is.

The only other people who never judged him were Shelley, Letha, and Peter. Roman...he's got a soft spot for us in his own way. He gets protective over Letha, Shelley, and me. As for Peter, well, they each knock sense into each other. It was like they were made to be friends.

I decided that my skin was raw enough and got out of the shower. After getting dressed, I went back to the attic but froze when I found Uncle Cam talking to Olivia. Uncle Cam sighed in relief when he saw me and rushed over. He wrapped his arm around me and gave me a tight hug.

"Uncle Cam," I began. "What are you doing here?"

"I called him," Oliva said.

I gave her a confused look. "Why?"

Cam sighed. "Lyanna, you need to come home," he began. I opened my mouth to protest but he cut me off. "I've let this slide the past few days because I've heard what happened to him, but I'm putting my foot down right now."

"But Uncle Cam -"

"No, Lyanna. The school called. You've missed a few tests -"

"I could make those up," I argued while he kept going with the list.

"You're grades are slipping."

"I've got the homework my friends dropped off."

"You look like you haven't slept in days. Lyanna, Roman might be in a coma but your health is important, too."

"I don't care!" I shouted. "I can't go to school while Roman's like this. What if something happens to him and I wasn't there because I was stuck taking stupid fucking chemistry!"

"Olivia would give us a call if anything happens."

I let out a sarcastic chuckle. "You don't care about Roman. You've always hated him." I gave him a pointed look. "You've always wanted Roman out of my life and thought our stupid move is going to change it."

"Lyanna -"

"You know I'll always love Roman no matter what. You always say that he's cheating on me with some slut. Well, I'm the one with him. Does that make me a slut, too?"

"I didn't say -"

"You didn't have to! You always try to cover me up whenever I wear something you think is inappropriate. If Mom and Dad were here..."

"Well, they're not!" Cam snapped. "Lyanna, you have to remember who is the adult here! I might not be your parents but I am your guardian. I am the adult! As long as you live under my roof you'll live by my rules! Now, I don't believe in hitting a child but you're making it really difficult right now with your attitude." I could see the vein popping out of his neck. "Now you get into that car and you better wait for me there! And tomorrow, you're getting your lazy ass up and you're gonna go to school like how you're supposed to. You better say your goodbyes to Roman before our big move because, awake or not, we're still leaving!"

I froze in my spot. What does he mean to say my goodbyes? Why the hell is he acting like Roman is going to never wake up?

I glared at him one last time before I waited in the car.


"He actually yelled at you?" Letha asked in surprise as we walked towards her locker.

I nodded. "Yeah."

She opened her locker. "I've never heard him yell at you before. Does it really bother him that you didn't want to leave Roman's side?"

"He claims that it's for my health and my grades, but we know the real reason." I ran my hand through my hair. "I never thought someone could hate Roman just as much as he can."

"Well, you have to remember, he's your guardian too. I'm not taking his side because that's my cousin, but...he just wants what's best for you."

"And this move is the best thing for me?" I asked sarcastically.

"" Letha closed her locker as we made our way to the cafeteria.

"I shouldn't be here. I should be next to Roman and..."

Letha wrapped her arm around me. "I know you're scared. It's been crazy for me, too."

And now I felt bad. Here I am worrying about Roman when Letha's about to pop a baby. "How are you feeling, by the way?"

She shrugged. "I'm carrying a miracle baby. I'm good." She had a small grin on her face. "Actually, I'm better than ok. I feel great."

"Is it because of a certain gypsy?" I teased her. "Is he really that good in bed?"

She chuckled as we sat on the table. "How do you even know we had sex?"

"Because you and Peter are my best friends. If I don't hear it from you, I'm going to hear it from him." Ok, I didn't exactly hear them. More like see them going at it.

Her face started turning pink as she covered her face with her hands. "Oh, my god."

"That's what she said." I grabbed my water bottle from my bag. "And that's what you said the past ten times."

Letha started to laugh as I heard someone catcalling me. Letha and I looked up to see one of the football players looking me over while biting his lip.

"Hey, Lyanna," the guy, Chip I think, said. "I heard about Roman. Sucks what happened to him." He walked towards our table. He placed his palms on the surface before his eyes began eying my rack. "If you don't want to choke back on your sobs anymore and want a shoulder to cry on, I'm free." He smirked. "Unless there's something else you want to choke on. I'll be free for that, too."

"Leave her alone, Chip," Letha said.

Chip raised his hands in surrender. "I'm just being friendly. I thought it would make her laugh."

"Wanna see the punch line then?" we heard behind him. Chip turned around just as Peter sucker-punched him across his cheek. Peter grinned at me just as Chip knocked his head on the table and passed out. "Now that's funny."


A/N: I'm sorry, this filler chapter is boring but it'll return to the original story line in the next one.

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