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It's been weeks since I've seen Roman fucked that girl. I've been ignoring him. Whenever I would be with Letha or Shelley, and he shows up, I would leave. I feel guilty for leaving them like that, but what Roman did. Even though we aren''s just hard to explain. And I feel like a complete idiot for believing that even for a second that Roman might feel something for me.

Even though I've been ignoring him, I could feel his stare at the back of my head. I didn't look back because I know he's going to have that stupid smirk on his face. Well, Roman, if your job was to toy with me then consider me toy. And it doesn't really help that we're partners for this stupid project. I've just been doing the work at my house and not going to his. Which is why I was getting my textbook before Uncle Cam could pick me up.

I grabbed my book before closing my locker. I nearly jumped when I found Roman leaning against the locker next to mine. Jesus!

"You've been avoiding me?" he stated more than asked.

I shook my head. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I've been busy with our project."

"Is it done?"

I glared at him. "It would have been, if someone helped." Instead of fucking every girl who looks good in a skirt.

"And that's my fault? You haven't been coming over."

I pursed my lips, that girl's moan echoing in my ears. I want nothing more than to slap him, but I can't.

"Like I said, I've been busy with my part of the project. If you've been doing yours then maybe we could have caught up."

"Fine. What time are you coming over?"

I adjust my bag. "Can't today. I have some things to do. So, can't. Love to, but can't. Tell Olivia I said hi." I turned around and started leaving.

Unfortunately, Roman started following me. "You could just tell her yourself, I expect you to be over around 8."

I could feel my eye twitch as we walked out the doors. "What part of 'I can't' does your arrogant cocky head not get? I'm not coming over and to be honest," I turned over and looked at him, "I rather take the F than be your partner."

I was about to turn again, but Roman grabbed my arm. "You are making a big mistake, Lyanna."

"Is that a threat?" I challenged. "What are you going to do?" I chuckled as I yanked my arm away. "You know, what? Why don't you just go back and fuck that little slut you had the other day? I'm sure you rather be doing her than this project."

If I wasn't so pissed at him, I could have sworn something flickered in his eyes.

"Lee -"

I heard a honk behind me . "Whatever, Roman. I don't give a shit anymore." I left him there and went towards Cam's car. The minute I closed the door, he drove out of the parking lot.

He noticed the distraught look on my face. "Everything alright, kiddo."

"Yeah. Everything's fine."

Who am I kidding? Everything is not fine.

Flashback over

I sighed as I packed another picture. When I looked at the picture I smiled. It was Roman and me on our one year. I was actually shocked that he remembered. He was kissing the side of my head while we looked at the camera. This was actually his two year anniversary gift for me. If people looked at this photo, they would see a happy couple. Not a guy who could make people do whatever he says if he concentrates or a girl who doesn't like eating. We look like a normal couple.

I heard a knock on my door. I put the picture down and turned to see Uncle Cam leaning against the threshold.

"Hey, kiddo," he greeted. "You've got everything ready for the big move?"

I shook my head. "No, um, I just need to pack my clothes and everything else in this room."

He sighed as he came in. "Look, Lyanna. I know you don't want to leave this place. To be honest, I never really expect to leave either. But the position was was just too good to give up."

"I know. I wouldn't want you to give it up either. Uncle Cam, I don't think I've ever thanked you for taking care of me. You've given so much to put my happiness first, maybe I should do the same for you. After Dad died...." My lip started to quiver. "After my parents..."

Uncle Cam's gaze softens as he came over. He pulled me into a hug. "I know. Believe me. Your father loved you more than anything in this world. He wanted nothing but the best for you."

I smiled. Uncle Cam and I got interrupted when we heard a knock. We pulled away to see Roman at the doorway.

"Am I interrupting something?" He asked.

"Well..." Uncle Cam started until I elbowed him. "No, Roman. I'm just checking on my niece." He looked at me. "I'll leave you alone to finish." I nodded as he walked out. He only came back to point at the door. "Door stays open."

Roman smirked at him. "To get a show? Didn't know you were into stuff like that." I elbowed Roman this time. "I promise, I won't touch her." Cam nodded before leaving.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. I thought we'd agreed to meet Peter at his house later.

Roman looked around my almost empty room. "I had to drop my Uncle Norman off and was around the neighborhood. Thought I'd pick you up." He went over to my box and grabbed the picture I was looking at. "Can't believe how long ago this was."

I went over and slowly grabbed it from him. "It's sweet and I loved it."

"Well, you didn't want me to get you those diamond earrings. You wanted it to be sentimental or some shee-it like that."

"Because those diamond earrings were expensive. I didn't want you to buy me anything that expensive if you thought it was going to make me love you more." Roman came from behind and wrapped his arms around me as we looked at the picture. "You have no idea how in love with you I am."

Roman kissed my neck. "I know. Especially, when..." he trailed off. He reached into the box and pulled out one of my thongs, "you wear something like this." He unwrapped himself from me and began putting it in his pocket. "I'm just going to keep these."

I chuckled. "And what are you going to do with them? Wear them?"

"No, I'll just get Peter drunk and put these on him," he joked.

I laughed again. Oh, Roman.


A/N: Flashbacks, flashbacks, and more flashbacks. What's coming ahead...Roman is going to do something Lyanna never thought he would do.

*Not edited.*

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