POEM #4|Never See

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I never see my future
Like a empty vision
With no answers
A blank canvas with
No artist

I can never see it
I always come up blank
I want a future, dont damn
Well think I don't

But for as long a I remember
My mind was a vast
Blank of white
With no creative juice
For how my future went.

I sit alone at night and
I have hope and dreams
I WISH for deeply

Yer when I close my eyes
Its empty skies
I cannot find a star in sight
To grant my wish
Deep inside

I fight my demons every day
They fight to lead me astray
From the path that
Will Never end

Because I'm going no where
With these hopless dreams
Stupid wishes of a made
Up life

They said is life
Anything is possible
If you believe it
But what If i believe I'll
Never make it

What if my thoughts
Are crowded with livid
Memories of monsters
Chasing away
The good inside

I hate myself
I hate my thoughts
Yet even when it
All gets rough
There isn't a part
Of me that wants to die.

That doesn't mean
My demons hide
The crawl inside like poison
In my veins

Telling me about death
Even tho I don't want to die

I'm tired of this madness
I'm tired of this pain
But as long as I keep fighting
The monsters will never win

All I can say is I'm trying
I know its not enough
But that my life at this moment
Filled with hopless thoughts
That are never truly enough

I do have hopes and dreams
I crave a family one day
One that I never had
No a family that cares

I crave a job and home
I crave a life away from torment
I crave happiness and smiles
I wish it with all my might

I am trying to achieve it
You may not see my goals
On a piece of paper from
School, or money on a check

But if I could show you
My old and broken soul
Even though im only 18
Years old

You'd see how strong
I wish for this
All I can do is try
And one day

That'll be enough.

Written by: Teha Brown aka WILTEDROSE213

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