POEM #10|Nightmares

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Your eyes don't close
When they hit the pillow
Trailing down the smoke
Covered walls

From lit cigarettes
dancing in your mothers
Lips, the poisonous smell
Stealing the air you breath,
Your lungs are just too weak

Late night memories, worries
And fears melted into your brain
Killing the happy abyss you created,
Tortured by the flashing images
That cross your mind

Of times that never happened
because of your imagination
poking fun, it enjoys that jolt
Of anxiety that flows through your
veins at 1am in the morning

Screaming in your mind, for
them to stop, creating a dream
that stops your breathing
The nightmare eating your soul

You feel helpless, lost in the cracks
Of your broken mind
Trapped in the class of the lion
With red eyes growling

At your every move, to be free
When your eyes finally close
You're stuck in the dream world
A terrifying place

Where sandman can help you,
He can't protect your dreams
The nightmare dust falls onto
Your head, as fear overwhelms
Your sleeping body

You run, but go no where
Your voice is sealed shut from
The creeping shadows around you,
Your hands are tied down as your
Left to drown in the sea of misery

You can't swim because of anxiety
You never learned to float
The water filles your lungs, its burning
Your insides as your begging to be

You eyes become blurry, your lungs
So full the oxygen had died
the anxiety blazing in your mind
Panic already took its time

Then your eyes are wide
Sitting up in your bed
Full of sweat, breathing hard
Lungs are finally getting air
Yet you're still scared

You see the shadows on your
Walls, standing tall blocking
Out the only light you have
Even as you hide under the blanket
Like you once did as a child

You can hide from the nightmares
Their like ticks in your skin
They do unnoticed damage to
Your body while you try and kil

You're trapped, trapped in their
Dark cave as they devour the
Light from your soul and swallow
Your happiness whole.

The nightmares always win
So when you close your eyes at night
Remember, that they are always there
Watching your thoughts, breaking
Your spirit and killing your soul

Written By: Teha Brown aka WILTEDROSE213

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