POEM #6|Don't I Wait..

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Don't I wait, that who I am
The girl who waits for
Your undying attention
Like a fresh glass of water
In a hot desert

Don't I wait, for your
Eyes to look at me with
Unconditional love so pure
It would make the skies scream

Don't I wait, for your lips
To kiss my skin like lovers
Making love for the last time
True passion in their embrace

Don't I wait, for your hands
To put down the controller
To a game far from reality
To hold me tight in your arms
Like a serpant holding its prey

Don't I wait, for your anger
To subside and your voice to
Flow calmly with the waves
As my body is comforted
By your warm embrace

Don't I wait, when I feel
The rays of emotionless pain
Roll off you, peircing my skin
Like knives at a murder scene

Don't I wait, for you to understand
A simple question as time
Ticks ats at my skin like a
Wood chipper at my skin
Piece by piece I fade

Don't I wait, for the loving
Words to leave your mouth
Yet when they fly through the
Air they are like daggers, making
A home in my heart to bleed

Don't I wait, for you to
Open the door and call me babe
Cause you left for a short time
But it felt like eternity

Don't I wait, for your attention
To find me brilliantly fascinating
For you to want to see every inch
Of what makes me so special

Don't I wait,  I wait for you
Every time you speak that word
Its like a hurricane inside my head
Because you never see that I
Always wait.

Don't I wait, for you to
Lay beside me with your warmth
Embracing my soul
As you sleep next to me encasing
My mind with plesent dreams
That only you create for me

I wait, I will wait until the sky
Turns black midday and the
Stars fall from the sky and
Crash into my chest killing
The feels that haunt my heart

Its like sandman created this
Heaven for me inside your eyes
And I love every moment of my
Reality, because your my happy

I wait, I always do

Forever and ever

For you

Written By: Teha Brown aka WILTEDROSE213

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