Poem #28|Overflowing Emotion

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I'm stressed, my emotions fazed
Words becoming lost, drifting away
My freedom set on a timer, I cannot speak
I fear I'm trapped, deep in a cage

One again I'm locked away, fighting
Or being led astray
I cannot take this, it's just not fair
My name a written in stone, my future
A bleep on a overgrowing map

I'm scared, my anxiety overflowing
Down the walls of mind, out my eyes
My cheeks red from anger, my thoughts
Lost in translation, to the words I speak
Nobody else sees what I'm trying to say

I speak suicide, so I must want to die
Because hell bent if I decided to fight
The demons in my head, every single night
With a pitch fork, fighting for my life
Under the covers deep inside

I speak my battle, I'm not alright
I'm talking about death, it's not alright
Yet how do I speak my mind, if I cannot
Tell about my God damn life

I'm scared, I'm loosing my voice
I'm screaming but nobody listens
I'm frightened by my own god damn existence
Trapped by the demons calling my name

I'm a fighter trapped in a cage, with
Boxing gloves taped to my hands
Punching every fucking thought out
Of my head, hoping for a peace of faith
To enter my breaking mind

I try to speak loud, but my voice muffled
My support isn't enough, to stop suffer
I'm living a life full of neglect
Everything becomes the same, you never forget

People say they are here but they freeze
Their voice becomes words on a screen
Telling you the same fucking things
What do you mean?

I shouldn't have to keep silent, I shouldn't have to walk on glass
Regarding my depression
I shouldn't have to speak silent, cause others are listening

Cause if THEY want to die,  then maybe the need more help than they can receive
But no it's my problem, I should be silent
I shouldn't speak my problems, in sake of those who are hurting.

Yet I'm breaking, my nose bleeds with emotion
My stress flows to the top of my brain, breaking me down into dust
I'm loosing it wondering what I should do
Am I good enough? Do I mean anything.

I"m lost in societies game
Battling the life of meaning something
Trying to find my voice, without being silenced.

I'm tired, tired of trying
It's exhausting keeping up with life
Fighting to be heard, then ignored
Because your struggles aren't deemed important
I'm different, I should matter

But like I said, I'm a bleep on a map
My heart overflowing with emotions
Making a river, way too deep
For fuck sakes, I cannot swim
So I might just drown in the end

Written by: Teha Brown aka WILTEDROSE213

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