Coming from you

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"Alex we're going." Jack said grabbing my arm and pulling me away from Vic.

"What the fuck?" I protest, "I wait for you to show up and now you're here you're being the biggest cock block ever."

"I wanna go home."

"Go then." I go to carry on talking to Vic what Jack don't let go of me, "Come on Jack I'm trying to get laid so unless you wanna fuck I'm not leaving until my dick is in someone's mouth."

"I left my keys." Jack said in a rush, "So I need you to let me in.

"You're such a idiot Jack." I sigh, "Fine but you owe me."

"I always let you in when you forget your keys."

"Well I don't drag you away from a party because I forgot them." I look at Jack in anger, "You can pay for a taxi as well then."

"Fine." He huffed, "Come on."

Jack let go of my arm and I followed him out the door grabbing another beer on the way out. Every time glances back at me while he was on the phone for a cab I get more and more angry. He was a bit of a prick at the best of times but dragging me away from a good lay and a good party is one step too far.

"It's going to be ten minuets." Jack said as I scrunched up the cup and dropped it on the floor, "You look mad."

"I am." I laughing at how oblivious he was being, "You really are a idiot Jack."

"That's nice." He says staring blankly at me, "Are you done?"

"I'm drunk and horny so just let me be mad at you."

"Asshole." Jack mutters under his breath.

"Coming from you." I laugh again, "You're actually hot it's a a shame you're such a dickhead."

"It don't matter because I'm not gay." He snapped.

"Neither am I."

"Yes you fucking are."

"I'm not."

"Well bi then." Jack said, "And I'm as straight as the pole your mum dances on."

"Great joke Jack." I look down the road as our taxi pulls up, "Who'd you steal that one from?"

"You're impossible."

Authors note

Ayo hoes I'm back. This time it's a jalex fic and that feels weird. After I finish this book I'm going to write another merrikat or rilex. Im not sure yet.

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