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I fall asleep in Jacks bed again. I'm usually a light sleeper and hate sharing beds. I've done it enough so that I can sleep like it but Jack knows it's not that easy to sleep. When I fall asleep on Jacks chest while he was watching a Netflix show he assumed something was wrong.

"I'm not going in." I groan.

"Yes you are." Jack pulled the bed covers off of me and threw them on the floor, "And you're eating something."

"I'm not hungry."

"You haven't eaten in over twenty four hours I don't care if you're not hungry you are having food." Jack disappeared out the room for a few minuets and returned with some clothes, "Come on get up."

I shook my head at him and Jack just rolls his eyes and pulls the t-shirt I couldn't be bothered to take off over my head, "I can dress myself Jack."

"Do it then." I sit there and Jack grabs my hand and pulls me off the bed giving me small kisses, "Alex I know you're not happy right now but if you keep skipping when it comes to you going back you're only going to feel bad again because you're behind."

"Hmm." I let Jack put a t-shirt over my head and put the arms in myself, "Can I borrow your notes."

"I already copied them out for you." Jack said pulling down my boxers and handing me clean ones to put on myself.

"Thanks." I say putting on my boxers and taking my black skinny jeans out of Jacks arms, "I'm really not in a good place."

"Tell me what's wrong." Jack said as I stared at myself in the mirror.

"The quiz."

"And..." Jack continued throwing me my beanie, "It cant only be that."

"Everything feels weird." I admit, "Good weird sometimes but also bad weird. Being with you is good weird but it's different and its scary."

"If you're having second thoughts..."

"No." I interrupted quickly, "I'm just scared that's all. I don't do relationships because I always fuck it up but I actually have feelings for you and I don't want to fuck this up."

"Alex." Jack wraps his arms around me and kissed my neck, I stand watching in the mirror, "You won't fuck it up as long as you're honest with me. I don't expect you to be perfect but you are."

"I'm really not."



"Why don't you think your perfect?" Jack asked.

"Because you're perfect and I'm not like you." I tell him letting him carry on leaving hickeys over the fading ones that where there, "My idea of perfect isn't me."

"My idea of perfect is."

"I don't know." I mutter as Jack stops, "Why'd you stop?"

"Because you need to eat and then we have to go to class." Jack turnt me around in his arms, "We can carry this on when we get back."

"I might do tutoring with Rian." I think out loud.

"If that would make you feel better." Jack plants a small kiss on my lips, "Come on let's get you food."

Authors note

I can't wait for the next chapter.

Comment stuff idk. I have a mock soon and need distractions.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻

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