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"Alex." I hear Jack say quietly, "I know your probably hungover but we have class soon."

"No." I mumble burying myself deeper in the bed, "Can't."

"Alex get up." Jack whispered, "Just open your eyes."

"What?" I rub my eyes and pull Jacks blankets over me more, "You go class I'll just say I'm sick."

"You can't do that."

"I already fucked up." I curl up more in bed and shuffle away from Jack.

"Are you still feeling shit about that quiz?" Jack asked attempting to pull me towards him.

"No." I lie knowing he's just going to get annoyed at me again.

"Please come class with me." Jack started to leave kisses down my neck before picking a spot to start sucking.

"Not well." I say not sure if I want to move away from Jack or melt into his arms, "I'll stay here."

"Alex are you okay?" Jack stops asking seriously, "Did a dumb quiz really effect you so much?"

"No." I lie again.

"I'll be back as quick as possible." Jack leans over me and kisses my cheek, "You're amazing Alex and I really appreciate you."

"Hmm." I mumble as Jack got off the bed.

I lay there listening to Jack get ready. He comes back to kiss me goodbye. When I hear the gentle shut of the door I dig out my phone and check my notifications.

You feeling better?-Vic


What did you do last night after I left?-Vic

Just hugged and stuff-Alex

Do you want me to talk to him?-Vic


He's on his way to science now-Alex

Okay I wanna talk to him about you anyway-Vic

What about?-Alex

Just about when you get into one of these sensitive Alex moods-Vic


And how he shouldn't let you drink when you're like this because you'll either wake up i someone's bed or a bush-Vic

I'm not going to cheat-Alex

Just telling him that's it's happened before-Vic

Don't ruin my relationship-Alex

I won't-Vic

I throw my phone down and wrap myself back in the blankets letting my eyes close again. I'm just going to have a short nap and get up before Jack comes back. When I wake up again the light is no longer shinning in the window and Jack was sitting next to me on his phone.

"Sleeping beauty awakes." He said dryly.

"What?" I yawn confused about Jacks voice, "Are you alright?"

"You lied and said you was okay."

"Oh." Is Jack realty upset about that.

"And told Vic I didn't make you feel any better." Jack carried on, "He told me that you're probably going to end up cheating if you drink while in this state."

"He asked if I was feeling alright so I told him I'm not." I rub my eyes and sit up, "I wouldn't cheat on you and I told him that. Okay sure normally I get drunk and find someone to sleep with when I'm like this but I wouldn't because I'm with you."

"What about last night then?" He asked, "Why did you go see Vic."

"Because he's my friend and that's what I've always done. Sometimes we fuck, sometimes we talk about it and last night he brought me home to you because he knew that's what I needed."

"You should have told me."

"Sorry." I say trying to hide my annoyance of Jack being so clingy all of a sudden.

Authors note

I woke up early with a massive headache and think it's coz I clench my jaw. Unless your chewing your teeth shouldn't be touching.

I have no clue what I'm on about just comment.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻

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