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I rushed out early to find Rian before his tutoring. I really needed to talk to him about what happened last night. I run over to his dorm not thinking to text him and start knocking on the door. He better be awake. I know he has that tutoring in a little over a hour, not that he needs it. Rian opens the doors rubbing his eyes, maybe a I woke him.

"I need to talk to you about Jack." I tell him bouncing on the spot due to anxiety.

"You alright?" He asked and I shock my head, "Okay fuck let me get some shoes on and we'll go down for coffee to talk."

Rian disappeared inside to get some shoes and I saw Matty glaring at me from inside holding his camera. I always found it silly how he referred to himself as Matty, it's annoying. Maybe why that's why after he got clingy I started just calling him Matt. It annoyed him. Now he's hot, I'll admit that and he's taken some really nice photos of me. It's just he's so clingy. I told him I only do casual sex before sleeping with him but no Matt here had to develop feelings and assume I did. I watch Matty playing with his camera until Rian left the dorm at shut the door. Matt always wanted to go college for photography.

"So what's your problem?" Rian asked, the coffee shop was a short walk down the road so the fact I decided to run out without a jumper on didn't bother me too much, sure the cold was biting at my arms and I low-key felt like I was going to get frostbite but right now I just needed to talk about how fucking terrified I was.

"Jack said he loved me." I said as we walked into the warm coffee shop, "I sucked him off and after he came he said I think I'm in love with you."

"That could be his dick talking." Rian suggested, we joined the queue to order, Rian didn't even look up at the options, he always got the same thing every time with cane, "Coffee, Black."

"Please." I add, Rians cheating ex girlfriend was working at the tills so I didn't expect him to be nice.

"And a hot chocolate for Alex." I always got the same thing when I came here as well, no matter how many times looked up at the wall thinking I should try that I still played it safe and ordered a hot chocolate every time.

"I know it could be but it means something right?" I ask unsure of myself, "I don't want it to mean something. I'm not ready for that."

"What exactly happened after you went home?"

"I blew him, he said he thinks he's in love with me, we made out for a bit before he went to bed and I stayed up all night overthinking when I was meant to be studying." I tell Rian taking my drink and handing over some money for it.

"I thought you wanted a relationship with Jack?" Rian asked as I took a sip of my drinking burning my tongue, I do this every time.

"I do." I sigh as we sink into a seat, "I just don't feel ready for the I love you's and all that."

"I get it." Rian took a sip of the now cooled coffee, "You never done relationships in the past and you feel like this is going too quickly."


"Talk to him."

"I'd rather not." I check my phone to see a text from Jack, "Jack texted me."

"Reply then."

Where are you?-Jack

I went for hot chocolate with Rian because I'm stressed-Alex

Come back to the flat and I'll destress you with a handjob-Jack

I laughed at that text and Rian just gave me a weird look.

Have you even gave anyone a handjob before-Alex

No but I've jerked off enough times it can't be that hard-Jack


And if it is you can just walk me through it-Jack

I grin at my phone before back up at Rian. Okay maybe this relationship thing is going well.

When are you going to be back?-Jack

Soon Rian has to go in a bit-Alex

"You feeling better?"

"Yeah." I smile down at my phone, "I'm getting a handjob when I get back."

"What about the whole love thing?

"It was probably his dick talking."

"Is that your dick talking?" Rian laughed.

"Probably." I shrug taking another long sip, "I don't really care right now though."

Authors note

I have nine chapters prewritten so I decided to double update. I have a really bad cold. Anyway do you think it was Jacks dick speaking or what? Do you think Alex loves Jack? Will Alex get scared and cheat or dump him? My nose won't stop running.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻

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