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"We're driving." I say grabbing a blink-182 cd before we leave.

"I thought you hated driving." Jack said locking the door behind us.

"I do."

"Why are you then." He asked as we walked down to the car park.

"Because I'm not making you walk when I asked you on a date." I tell him fiddling with my car keys, "And that's what you do on dates in movies you go pick them up but since we live together I thought I'll just drive you."

"It's a twenty minute walk." Jack laughed, "I don't mind I'm happy just spending some time with you."

"I just want to do this properly." I say feeling a blush rise to my cheeks, when did I ever blush, why am I even blushing right now?

"It's fine." I look down to my feet, "Are you blushing?"

"No." I lie.

"Yes you are." Jack laughed, "I made Alex Gaskarth blush!"

"You don't have to announce it to everyone." I mutter, "I have a reputation."

"You want to keep your unfeeling asshole reputation?" Jack asked as we got in my car and I put the cd on.

"My reputation is confident and sexy." I correct him, "And confident people don't blush."

"I might keep making you blush."

"Please don't." I say leaving the carpark, this is probably the first time I used my car in weeks.

"You keep making sexual jokes towards me." Jack had a good point, "And you blushing makes you seem more likeable."

"I'm very likeable." I protest, "If I wasn't how have I managed to get so many people to sleep with me at a moments call."

"No clue."

"If you agree to be my boyfriend you know I'll never sleep with them again." I remind Jack.

"I only agreed to because you've never asked anyone on a date before." Jack said, "I don't trust you anyway."

"Why?" I ask pulling into the car park.

"Because I've know of you since high school."

"What?" I ask in shock, "I never met you before we started sharing dorm."

"We never met but you slept with everyone so people where gossiping about you." Jack said getting out the now parked car, "You took Katie's virginity and never texted her back."

"I never knew she was a virgin."

"And that makes a difference?" Jack asked.

"Yeah because I feel bad now." I lock the car door and go to the ticket machine a few feet away, this is why I walk I hate paying for parking, "I wouldn't take someone's virginity unless I cared about them."

"You're the first guy Zack's been with."

"Not the first person though." It's different.

"What if I said I was a virgin?" Jack asked after I put the ticket on the windshield and we started walking towards the mall to get ice cream.

"I would call bullshit because you're hot enough to get laid." I start, "And even if you was I care about you and actually want a relationship with you even though I haven't been able to deal with relationships in the past."

"Can I call bullshit on that?" Jack asked.

"Don't stop it being true." I shrug walking in the mostly empty ice cream store, "Get whatever you want I'm paying."

"Don't worry about paying..." Jack started.

"No." I interrupt, "I invited you on a date and said I'm paying for everything so have whatever you want it's on me."

"That makes you seem serious about wanting to be with me." Jack said picking up a small bowl that I took out of his hands and gave him a large one instead.

"Because I am."

"Prove it." Jack said filling his cardboard bowel with chocolate ice cream, "Stop sleeping with people."

"I haven't slept with anyone since Zack."I tell Jack filling up my ice cream and moving along to add toppings, "And I only slept with Zack to make you jealous."

"You are impossible." Jack laughed putting on chocolate sprinkles.

"It worked didn't it?" I ask.

"No because I don't like you."

"Sure." I roll my eyes at him while walking up to the counter to pay for them both, "When you trust me would you admit it."

"Admit what?" He smiled and I handed over the money.

"Come on Jack." We walk over to a empty table, "I'm terrified of relationships but I do really like you."

"So you don't want a relationship?"

"I do but only if it's with you." Jack just looks and me putting a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth, I couldn't read his face very well, his expression wasn't quite blank but he was obviously deep in thought, "Say something Jack."

"You always know how to say the right thing."

"What?" I ask in confusion, "I'm not trying to get you in bed right now I just want you to give me a chance."

"Well..." Jack said having another spoonful of ice cream, "I'll think about it on the second date."

"Wait!" I exclaim taking a moment to take in what he said, "You're agreeing to a second date?"

"Yeah." Jack shrugged eating his ice cream, "If you want."

"Of course I want that."

Authors note

I punched a wall.

Erm comment shit because it makes me happy and I'm depressed. I bought some Bring Me The Horizon merch.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻

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