Chapter 13 Jen

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As soon as I close my eyes, I'm not in the simulation room, I'm in my old Abnegation house. I sit in a chair, chained, in the middle of the living room, light peering out of the single window. I hear footsteps and I immediately turn my head around to face the stairs, I see my father come down the stairs. This will not end well I think. "Jen, I told you not to be selfish!" My father yells, "This is what happens when you disobey our faction!" He screams, and next thing I know is that I feel drips of liquid down my face, the liquid flows down my cheek and the liquid drips onto my legs. Blood. A strange color, a thick maroon color. "Where is your mother?!" My father screeches as I try to break my hands from the chains. "Sh-she died when I was 10." I say. "No she isn't! Your mother is upstairs asleep!"My father says as he pulls his hand back for another punch but the chains on my wrists suddenly break, and my fist is already connected with his face. My father's eyes roll back, he goes limp and falls to the ground. Next thing I know I wake up with two sets of eyes staring at me, one filled with tears. I realize where I am now, I'm in the simulation room. "Oh my God..." Six says, "h-h-ow long ha-as that be-e-en goi-ing on f-f-or?" Six says choking on her own words. "Ever since my brother and sister left when they were about 13... Why?" I say. "That's teribble. Does your mother know about this?" Asks Six. "Uhhmm..." I try to hold back tears but they spill anyway, "she umm died when I was 10, because my-y" I stop because the tears in my eyes spill over. Six comes over and hugs me. I look over Six's shoulder and see Four's tears daring to spill. Six pulls away from the hug and says "Jen, I'm sorry." "It's fine... I have gotten use to it. I went to Dauntless because I couldn't handle it anymore." I say showing no emotion. "Jen I-I'm sorry for what you had to go through." Four says, "It's fine anyw-" I am cut off by Four, "It has happened to me too..." He says looking at the ground. Six comes towards Four and hugs him and kisses his cheek. Wait, are Six and Four together? Hahaha well some of the initiate girls' plans are ruined. I think. The question builds inside of me and I can't hold the question back and the words just spill, "Are you guys uh... You know umm... Together? Or something?" I ask Six and Four, as both of them nod, "Well Four and Six be careful, cause some of the girl initiates are after Four, and some of the boy initiates are after Six." I say. All three of us laugh, for once I am happy that I left Abnegation. "Jen, make sure you stay with your friends, the people who kidnapped you might not be done with their buissness." Six says, as I nod. "Did you see any of their faces?" Asks Six, "No, it was too dark. But I thought I saw Jake though." I reply. "Okay thanks. We will make sure they will not hurt you ever again." Says Six. I say thanks as Six says "You can go back to the dorms, I am guessing that your friends are looking for you." Says Four. I nod and leave.


As I reach the dorms I am bombarded by millions of questions by Connor, Joseph, Olivia, and Chelsey. "Where were you? What took you so long? How many fears did you go through? What was one of your fears? Are you okay? What happened?" Connor asks. "I was still in the simulation room." I say, "It took a long time for me to get out of the fear." I lie and pinch the pocket of my jacket. "You're lying. You always pinch a piece of clothing when you lie." Explains Connor. "Fine. I lied. I was held back by Four and Six because they were explaining what shows our fears." I lie again but don't pinch a piece of clothing this time. "Okay, you can continue with your explanations now." Says Chelsey. "I went through one fear today. One of my fears has to do with my past- I am never going to tell you by the way. I am okay. And I already explained what happened." I say in order the questions were in. They all nod and we all head to the cafeteria for lunch.


While Connor, Joseph, Chelsey, Olivia and I are at the cafeteria, I only grab the food that looks good to me- Abnegation food. I sit down with all my friends and two people -I think their names were Zeke and Uriah- sit at our table. "Sup initiates. Do you want to do a Dauntless ritual? Some of the Dauntless borns and other initiates are coming. So, are you up to it?" Uriah asks. We all nod in response. After we eat, my friends and I talk to Uriah and Zeke. They said that the ritual will be at 7:30 PM, and to meet them at the tracks.


When the clock strikes 7:25 PM, we all get ready and walk to the tracks. Some of the initiates come with us even Jake. I see Uriah and Zeke waiting for the train and they greet us. "So what is this ritual anyways?" Connor asks. "It's a surprise. Here comes the train, get ready." Zeke smirks as the train rushes in front of us. I run and run with my friends by my side and we all jump onto the train. Once we get into the car, we see that Uriah is carrying harnesses. I look around in the train car and finally find my friends. "Guys what do you think we are doing?" Asks Olivia, "I don't know but I think it has something to do with those harnesses." I say while I point to the pile of harnesses.


Once we jump off the train we see that we are heading to the Hancock building. We climb to the elevator and head to the very top. I see Jake shaking rapidly. Ha, see who's the weak one now? I think. "Okay so who wants to go up first?" Asks a boy with green eyes and blond hair, I think his name is Will. "I will" I say breaking the silence. Uriah hands his hand to me and says "Don't forget to pull the cord once you reach the bottom." I nod and climb into the harness. "Be brave." says Zeke as he pats my back, as if saying good luck. "One, two, three!" Uriah screeches, with that next thing I know is that I am flying in the air. I see my reflection in a glass building. Next thing I know is that I am screaming joyfully through a hole in a building, next thing I know is that I am already near the bottom. "Pull the cord!" A Dauntless born screams, as I was told, I pull the cord while the people underneath me form a net of flesh and bone, by linking arms. I release myself from the harness and I am held by arms all linked together.


When all the Dauntless borns and initiates are done with the ritual, Uriah and Zeke come running towards my friends and I. "What did you guys think?" Asks Uriah, "It was awesome!" I screech and flail my arms in the air. We all laugh together and hop onto the train.


Once we are all off of the train, my friends and I say goodbye to Zeke and Uriah and head to our dorms. We all climb into bed, say goodnight and fall into a deep endless sleep.

(A.N. Italics is the dream)

"I told you to be selfless! You are a horrible excuse for a daughter!" My father yells as he punches my right temple. "Where is your mother?!" He yells at me, "Sh-he died six years ago." I say, "Lies! She is sitting on the couch!" My father yells and points to the couch but nobody is there. "Stop being selfish! You are a horrible daughter!" My father yells in my face and punches my right temple, causing me to fall to the ground as my father kicks my sides and stomach. I scream until I feel a pair of hands shaking me.

I wake up, in the dorms I look up and see Connor, Joseph, Chelsey and Olivia all staring at me. "What happened?" I asked confused. "You kept yelling in your sleep, sounding strangled or something." Connor responds. "Come on we have training. We are learning how to shoot a gun today. Come on, I got a muffin for you." Chelsey says as he gives me his hand for me to take, and I take it. As I walk out the dorm door, Chelsey hands me a muffin. "Thanks" I say as we walk in silence towards the training room.

(A.N.) Chapter 13 took a while for me. 😄👍💖

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