New Home

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Finally we have gotten settled in to our brand new house today. The house is gigantic... I have my own room, that has an enjoined bathroom. Plus we have a pool! The pool is not gigantic but it's definitely not small. It's like a rounded rectangle like shape. You could honestly get lost in this house, it's a big change from where we previously lived in Idaho. We were a small family that lived out in the middle of nowhere.

We moved here to Ireland to get away from some unfortunate situations that the universe decided to lay on my family. My father died a few years ago from cancer and we continued to live in the same house because my mom didn't want to let go. We had been living there since I was born, it was the only place I'd ever known. It soon became to much for my mom, she started sleep walking and crying in her sleep. After a few weeks of this she decided we needed to leave entirely. Start completely over, that's one of the many reasons we moved here.

Now we live her in Mullingar, we still live in the middle of nowhere. Down a shaded dirt back road that leads directly to just outside of town. There's only a few house around here. Small little neighborhood I guess you could call it.

Mom already seems happier with the new place, she smiles a lot more. She was always so sad and always moped around, now she is walking around so full of energy and so bright. The only downside with this place is Andy. Andy is moms boyfriend, he moved here with us because he didn't want her to leave him and I don't like him.

Andy was really great at first, he was so kind to me and always took me places, he was like a best friend. Then about a year after mom and Andy had first met, his you get sister died in a crash. He was devastated and got super depressed, staying at the bar until mom had to go drag him out. Mom tries to help him but he becomes violent, she continues to stay with him though because she says he just needs time, how can she say that after everything he's done. I've been sent to the hospital a few times on account of his "accidents".

I'm 19 years old and I'm starting college already, our house is pretty close to the college, so I'm starting to attend on Monday. Your probably wondering why I still live with my mom, well.... it's because I can't leave her. Not now, not with Andy. I can't leave knowing she could get seriously hurt and I could've prevented it.

Right now I'm in my new gigantic room trying to put my things where I want them to belong, and my mom comes in and leans against the wall. She looks really beautiful for someone her age. My mom is in her early 40's and she looks to be just older than me. The years treated her really well. Sighing I hug her tightly. "how's unpacking going?" I ask and she rolls her eyes.

"Well it's going terribly, I cannot figure out how to arrange things and the perfectionist who usually helps me is up here" she says smiling and looking at me. It's my turn to roll my eyes "mom, I'm not a perfectionist, I just like things nice and neat" I say.
The gives me the "exactly" look and laughs. "I wish I had your organized brain, I try to organize anything and it ends up looking worse then when I started!" She exclaims chuckling. I laugh and put a hand on her shoulder " your not THAT bad" I explain smiling at her.

I now give her a serious face "where's Andy?" I ask. She sighs, her smile slowly falling "well Andy went out to get dinner, he should be back soon" she says exhausted. I smile "Yeah if he can find his way back" she looks at me and she looks like she can't decide whether to laugh or not. I smile again "well he better hurry, I need to feed my monster stomach and go to sleep because tomorrow I'm officially a college student" I say happily.

My mom smiles again "I'm so proud of you, my little girl, all grown up" she says enveloping me in a bear hug. I smile "thanks mom, now please vacate the premises so I can do my job" I say pointing to the door and trying to to smile. I'm starting college tomorrow, I'm going to school to work with cars. I can't wait for the challenge.

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