Starting new

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So Stephanie just walked away after saying thank you....

Jack and I stood there really confused until the bell rang. It knocked us back into reality and we ran the last 5 or so feet to the classroom.

When we entered the classroom everyone just stared at us for a second and then one guy stood up and started clapping.

Soon the entire class was clapping....even the teacher. Jack and I just looked at each other with pure confusion.

I walked over to the teacher and pulled Jack with me.

"What is going on?" I ask

She just smiles "this is our way of thanking you, you helped the one person we've been trying to help for YEARS" She says happily.

I just give her the "what?" face. She rolls her eyes "I'm talking about Stephanie, she's been through so much"

Jack continued to hold my hand as we stood there, the class had gone quiet as the teacher continued talking.

"Her mother disowned her because her father spoiled her, when you got here and started standing up to her and insulting her...she actually listened to you"

I couldn't believe what she was saying "so because I was a bitch to Stephanie....she's gone all sweet?" I ask.

She nodded and I just stood there. I didn't know what to say or do.

The teacher luckily saved me though. "Not a lot of people knew about Stephanie's mom, I bet it would help a lot if you'd send a smile her way anytime you see her" she teacher said.

I felt over joyed but sick at the same time. I let go of Jacks' hand and ran out of the classroom.

I didn't know where I was going but I just kept running. I was such a bitch to her....I couldn't even imagine life without my mom.

I stopped and got an idea. I need to find Stephanie. I need to apologise, I won't be able to live with myself if I don't.

I ran until I got back to the office. Jack was standing there looking frantic and talking to Janice.

He looked relieved when I walked in, he hugged me tight and I looked at Janice.

"I need to find out where Stephanie is, please it's important" Janice didn't say anything she just nodded and started typing.

Jack looked at me concerned "are you okay?" He asked I just nod "yeah, I need to find Stephanie, I was such a bitch to her....I"

I started to cry, like actually cry. I haven't cried in a while. Jack hugged me tight "I was so done with people beating on me and I....." Jack shushed me.

He looked at me with that award winning smile, "it happens to have no reason to feel bad" he says softly.

"Stephanie beat on you just as bad, and I doubt she knew about your situation" he kisses my forehead and Janice clears her throat.

I look at her and wait patiently "looks like Stephanie is currently in....." She takes a closer look at the screen with squinted eyes " 202, machanics" she says looking at us with a smile.

I don't even question why she's in machanics, I just run out of the office.

Who knows, maybe Stephanie will be my new friend?

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