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When I got to Jamie's, she was waiting with open arms at her door.

She hugged me tight as I cried. Jack had NEVER gotten mad at me like that, so of course it's gonna make me cry.

She guides me into her house and to the couch. She rubs my back and sighs.

"Ally, I need to know what happened"

My shoulders drop and I feel like I want to crawl into the ground and die.

"Sean, he...."

I stifle a sob and take a deep breath. "He's never gotten angry at me, let alone yelled at me like that" I can feel the tears falling again so I don't continue to speak.

Jamie nods and rubs small circles on my back.

I don't what is going on with Sean, but he better knock the shit off. Ally has been through too much shit already. She doesn't need Sean adding to it.

I take Ally to my room and let her get some rest. When she finally fell asleep I quietly and quickly ran out the door.

I was gonna give Sean a piece of my mind. I've known him a really long time and I'd never even heard of him being angry.

Well, except when he hit Ally's dad.

I got in my car and rolled out of the driveway. This is not going to end well for him.

Ally is my best friend and he will NOT just hurt her like that and get away with it.


How could I yell at her like that, she was just trying to help......

I don't even know where she went, I've been calling her for the past hour. I've tried calling Jamie as well.

I don't care how angry I was at Daniel, she didn't deserve that. She didn't....

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