First Day

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You'd think I got electrocuted at how fast I jumped out of my be when my alarm went off. I can't wait to get to school. I quickly shower, brush my teeth, get dressed, then I stood in the my room for five minutes trying to remember if I was forgetting anything before sprinting down the stairs with my bag over my shoulder and a lump in my throat. I'm about to leave but mom stops me "don't go to jail" is all she says.

I roll my eyes and hug her "love you too mom" I say happily. " I love you so much have an amazing day!" She lets me go and I grab my board before running out of the house and down the walk. I shove my earbuds in my ears, and race through our small neighborhood. We have paved roads after a while so I can actually use my skateboard. Weirdly enough I only see one other person on my way out of the shadowed road.

A boy around my hight, he wore a peppered beanie and a bright blue jacket. Along with black skinny jeans. What is it with boys and skinny jeans? I shake my head as I pass him and start on my board down the now paved road. The boy had a backpack on so I'm guessing he's still in highschool, or he's in college.

I get there about five minutes early and run to the office, the Dean was a nice lady, very tall lady as well. She had a shorter, extremely shy girl escort me to my first class. She was just shorter than me, her black hair that fell just above the middle of her back. She was a very thin girl for being in college. After we left the office I smiled at her "my names Ally" I say sticking out my hand. She stops "your talking to me?" she asks surprised. I nod and give her a confused look "yeah....?"

She smiles " Sorry, my names Jamie.... no one ever really talks to me....they call me a nerd" she says sadly. I sigh "I'm sorry Jamie, but you know what?" I ask and she looks up at me "what?". I smile "they're just jealous because they can't be as smart as you" I say happily "being smart isn't a bad thing"

Jamie nods "thanks Ally" she says smiling. I nod "are you free after school?" I ask. She nods with a smile "I'm always free, I always get my homework done during my free hour" she says. I nod "well thank you for escorting me to my class, I'll see you around Jamie" I say stepping into the classroom. I really don't think anything could ruin my mood today.

Well..... except..... me walking into the gigantic classroom and everyone staring at me like I murdered someone. The teacher looks at me for a second before smiling "Hello, you must be Allison" she says sticking out her hand. I nod "It's just Ally". She looks down at my board "well, 'Just Ally', you can keep that disgusting THING over there" she says pointing to the corner.

I place a hand on my chest acting hurt "this 'thing' is not disgusting, it's my best friend" I say smiling. She rolls her eyes and a few people laugh quietly from their seats. She points to the corner again and I sigh "fine".

She then looks over the crowd "the only seat open is by Sean, please take a seat, he's all the way in the back" she says pointing to a boy closest to the ceiling. "Awe but I was so hoping to get to know the teacher better, have you seen her?" I ask. The teacher rolls her eyes and points to my seat again.

I shrugged and took two steps at a time and plopped myself down next to a boy slouching in his chair while playing on his phone. He jumps when I sit down and a few people laugh. I don't look at him at first but when I do I almost freak out.

No..... way.......

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