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After I'd scared Ally I went into my room to change into more comfortable clothing.

It was a lazy day for the both of us. I'd put up a few pre-recorded videos so I could take a breather and take a day to relax.

When I got back out to the living room Ally was still drawing "Whatcha drawing now?" I asked her walking past.

I then remembered she couldn't hear me.....so what did I do?

Haha, I snatched the book from her hand! She jumped up and tried to take it back but I held it above my head as I looked at it.

Now, Ally isn't that much shorter than me, so technically if she would've jumped she could've gotten the book easily.

Yet she's standing here reaching for it and failing. I just look at her and laugh "do you draw me often?" I ask looking through the book.

There were a bunch of naturistic drawings. You know, trees, flowers, rivers.....

I didn't think there were any pictures of me, then I got to the back.

It was a drawing of me in my favorite blue hoodie. And where my brown hair used to hang out of my beanie was bright green.

The drawing looked exactly like me, like a photo. Well except the green hair.

I looked at Ally who was just staring at me now. I held it up "this is really good" I say happily "your really good at this" I say looking over the drawing again.

Ally sighs "come on Jack" she says holding out her hand. I smiled and handed it back "Ally.....you really think I'd look good with green hair?" I ask smiling.

She just rolls her eyes and plops back down on the couch. I pull her up again "nope, today we're gonna do something" I say taking the book again and putting it on the table.

Ally sighs "like what?"

I think for a second "well......we could turn my hair green" I suggested.

Ally just smiled "okay I drew that to give the picture a little flare....." she says laughing.

I nod "and it's a good idea....now.....what do you say?" I ask hoping she'll agree.

The picture looks really life like so why not?

She finally sighs and nods "okay....but on one condition" she says holding up a finger. I nod "what?"

She smiles "I get to dye my really weird hair" she says picking up a few strands of the golden brown hair.

I think for a moment "what color would you dye it though?" I ask looking at her hair.

She think for a moment "I want it really dark brown with golden tips" she says playing with her hair.

Laugh and roll my eyes "well let's go then, these things take time so let's do it" I say taking her hand.

She stops "hold on, I'm not dressed silly" she says taking her hand back and going to her room.

That girl will be the death of my heart I swear.

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