Surprise Surprise

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I woke up earlier than normal this morning and decided to just start getting ready for school. When I was ready I left my mom a note that I'd left already and picked up my bag and my board and went outside. I pushed my earbuds into my ears and played "Bad day" by Daniel Powter really loud as I rode.

On my way I thought about Jack coming to my house last night....I kept thinking it was a dream but I swear it was real. I'm at the end of my street now and I'm waiting for traffic when a hand grabs my shoulder. I jump and take out my earbuds. Jamie stands there smiling "hey" I say with relief.

She giggles "guess what?" she asks. I smile and look at the traffic again "what?" I ask happily. She giggles again "there are like eight people I know who have giant crushes on you" she squeals.

I roll my eyes "haha very funny" I say. She shakes her head "I'm serious, I heard them. They are glad that there's finally a bad ass girl at school to start stomping on the prissy ones" I laugh "it's college, I've met a lot of Jocks but hardly any Cheerleaders" I say. Jamie laughs "it's because cheerleaders, don't hang around us" she says.

"Okay" I say rolling my eyes. She glares at me "I'm serious, you just need to pay more attention to the people around you, then you'll see all the hour glasses in short skirts" she says walking off.

I smile and take off across the street as soon as the last car speeds by. When I get to school earlier than usual I'm surprised, but it's only by I think maybe ten minutes. I do as Jamie suggests, I stand against a wall and watch everyone around my as Green Day plays loudly in my ears.

And just as Jamie said, a group of hour glasses walked through the doors all at the same time. I rolled my eyes and realized I had to walk past them to get to my first class.

I started heading towards them and I "accidentally" hit the smallest hour glass lightly in the stomach with my board.

They all turned to glare at me and I shrugged and smirked. As I walked away from them, I fixed my beanie which was falling off my head. My outfit was pretty normal for someone like me, I had on an olive green short sleeved shirt and a brown vest. Deep blue skinny jeans and a grey beanie.

I had long brown hair falling from under the beanie, it fell down to a few inches below my shoulder blades. I also had black and white converse tied to my feet. Loved my shoes.

My mom said I looked like I was in highschool, which I took as a compliment. It made me look younger. Sweet.

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