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*Still Justin's POV*
I follow this boy down stairs where everyone else is. "Hey you guys found each other" the man I didn't know said "yeah" the boy said annoyed "so y'all remember each other" really quick before I could answer the boy said "I do he doesn't" "what how do you not remember y'all were best friends" my dad said I shrugged my shoulders
*Time skip*
I was sitting on my bed watching TV then I glanced at my door way and saw him standing there "so you're trans..what's that like" I didn't say anything I just looked at him "sorry just trying to he get to know you" oh uh yeah let's get to know each other" we talk for awhile got to know each other we laughed I was great. But I still didn't know his name "you never told me your name" oh right I'm Ryan" he said putting out his and sits can shake it " Justin" I said shaking his hand he replied with "I know" we countinued to talk till his phone rang " what's up" right now" I'm kinda of" alright alright" bye" he looked at me. "You have to go" I asked "yeah my Friend wants me to go on a double date with him and his girlfriend" oh you have a girlfriend" close" he said walking to the door way " I have a boyfriend" oh I'm gay too" I said following him. Everyone was outside and Ryan was waiting for his friend then a black car with the top down pulled up it was the same boy i saw earlier he was wearing all black with black sunglasses there was a girl in the front with him I'm guessing his girlfriend "oh well" I thought to myself "hey fagot hop in" he yelled Ryan then jogged to the car and got in he got in the back and kissed the boy in the back I'm guessing that's his boyfriend.
End of Justins POV

Ryan was in the car and they were about to drive off when raegan noticed Justin.

Raegans POV
I was about to drive off when I saw a small boy with glasses wearing a black hoodie with normal jeans he was cute. I knew right there and then I wanted to be his friend. "Hey Ryan who is that" I asked he decided to play dumb and act like he didn't know who I was talking about "who" he said with a smirk "you know who asshole" he laughed "yeah I know that's Justin my dad's brother son he's living with us now" oh he's cu-" I quickly stopped what I was gonna say realizing I was gonna call him cute with my girlfriend sitting next to me "hey Justin you sure you don't wanna come" I was glad Ryan asked him I really wanted him to come with us but sadly he shook his head no oh well I'll see him soon beacause he lives with one of my best friends.

In class and I have to take a test so I'll see you someday I don't know when.... PEACE!!!!!

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