he thinks that

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Honestly don't know ow where this story is going if you have ideas plz tell me.oh and I hope everyone had a good Christmas

Justin's POV
It's Monday. Ugh. The only good thing is that my birthday is Friday finally I'll be 17 I'm not sure why but I don't really like birthdays I mean like everyone saying happy birthday and stuff it's not my thing. I roll out of bed to take a shower the hot water falling on me felt great I guess I got lost in the moment of how amazing the water felt. Cause all is a sudden I heard banging on my bathroom door it was my dad "Justin get out of the shower you're very late to school" I snapped out if it and got out of the shower I have no time to dry my hair I got dressed really quick and brushed my teeth and grabbed my glasses and ran out the door. I drove to school it took me a while cause of traffic. My phone went off I glanced at it as it was sitting in the passenger seat I had two text from raegan and a missed call I sighed and countined to drive once I arrived I missed 1st period great and I had a test oh well I got another text from raegan "Justin where are you" I didn't answer cause I had to got talk to my teacher so I could take my test a nother time he said I can during my lunch hour. I went to second hour late cause I was talking to my teacher I walked in and gave the pass to my teacher she said thank you and told me to sit down. So I did. I sat by raegan but his head was down and his hood was up he was shaking his leg I whispered his name but he didn't answer me I tapped him and nothing. So I texted him. "Hey what's wrong" I heard his phone go off it took him a minute for him to look at his phone but eventually he took it out he adjusted him self so he could See his phone but his head was still down he read it and his head popped up he looked to his left then to the right be smiled and reached  over and hugged me I didn't hug back at fist cause it was unexpected. "OMG Justin" he said muffled into my shoulder "what" I replied "where were you? You didn't answer me?" He sounded so worried "oh I'm sorry I got cought up at home and stuck in traffic".
*Time skip*
It was lunch and I was going to my first hour to take my test. I sat down and started my test it was really easy I finished in like 5 minutes and passed the test. I was walking to lunch and went to sit with raegan and them I sat down by raegan he looked at me and back down I looked at kale and mouthed what's wrong he picked up his phone to let me know that he would text me he said "he was scared cause you didn't come this morning and you're late to lunch he thinks you're cheating" that honestly hurt  me my eyes began to water he really thinks I could cheat on him why would I hurt the one I love mabye I don't show him enough that I actually truly love him I've never said I loved him before I feel so bad hes just sitting here thinking im cheating on him. I have to show him how I feel. I have too. But I need help.

Hope you enjoy see you later... PEACE!!!!

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