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Rm=raegans mind

Raegans POV
Justin:do you love me
Rm: of course I love you
I love Justin so much Im just not in the mood in my head I'm replying to him but I'm not saying it I want to tell him I love him and kiss him and hug him. But I'm not idk my body won't let me.

Justin left he told me not to get in fights while he's gone witch will probably be easy considering I'm just sitting in the middle of my floor doing nothing. I want to feel like myself again. And when Justin gets back I'mma hug and kiss the shit out of him.
End of raegans POV

Justin's POV
I'm on the plain back to Maryland and I m on my laptop looking up bipolar
Disorder. It basically says that it's mood changes like overly excited, confused, scared, tiredness, depression, suicidal, and sexual and stuff like that.amd these moods can last from weeks to months. Geez.
Suicidal I hope raegan dosent do anything while I'm gone I'll have to check his arms and thighs when I get back. Sexual raegan and I have never done anything sexual before and I've never seen the sexual side of raegan before I wonder if he'll force me to do anything. I guess I'd rather him try to force me then go with and have sex with someone else. I closed my laptop and went to sleep.

*Time skip Justin has been in Minnesota for three days*

Raegans POV
I'm feeling like myself again but sill sad about my mom. My mom used to take me to this park not to far from our house I go here every year on the anniversary of her death sometimes I come here just because. Anyway I'm sitting in the swings where she used to push me this spot is my happy place no one really comes to this park anymore witch is a good thing cause I have it all to myself right now.

Nick: hey I herd someone say the voice sounded formiliar I turned my head and see nick
Raegan:I'm not in the mood
Nick:I didn't ask if you were he said pushing me off the swing
Raegan:what do you want you know I come here on this day and you know not to bother me
Nick: I know but I came to finish what we started he said pushing me again
Raegan: really I'm not supposed to get in fights
Nick: says who your dad
Raegan: no my boyfriend
Nick: oh your little boyfriend ok gotta keep a promise right can't break a promise...but wait you know who did break a promise. I didn't know what be was getting at
Nick: your mother my facial expression changed so fast when he said that he knows how much I love my mom and she didn't do what she did to hurt me  anger took over my body (you already know they fought ok...ok)

*Time skip*
Raegan:I totally won that fight
Bryce: yeah totally looks like it your about to get stitches
Raegan:yeah but I broke his hand so I won
Kale: whatever dued just take it easy kale said patting my shoulder. My dad walked in fuck.
Patrick: raegan I'm very dissapointed in you
Raegan: I had to do it dad he was talking shit about mom
Partick: I know you and your mother we're close and you miss her I miss her too but you could have resloved this in a different manner I nodded
Patrick: but I'm not mad I would have done the same we both smiled but mine was a bit weaker that him cause I have to get stitches in my bottom lip.

*Time skip*
The doctor is done putting the stichtes now it actually didn't hurt just uncomfortable.
Raegan: so can I kiss my boyfriend when he gets back from vacation
Doctor:when does he come back
Raegan: tomorrow
doctor:no probably not. I sighed I knew Justin would be mad at me

Short but enjoy.... PEACE!!!!

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