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*time skip raegan and nick are not suspended anymore Justins POV*

I missed waking up in my own bed. I sit up and look at my room damn I slept good as hell.
I woke up in a good mode witch is good but then I remembered that I missed 4 days of school and have to do make up work. I rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom to shower and do everything else.

I got to school and went to my locker I took my book bag off my shoulder and started putting my books back. Then someone walked up to me

Nick: hey I slowly looked at him
Justin: hi I said kinda afraid
Nick:I'm not going to hurt you I promise. His voice was so soothing and sweet
Nick: I'm sorry for uh....everything. he actually sounded sorry
Justin: um it's ok
Nick: you forgive me
Justin: yeah I guess so. I said that and he came closer to me
Nick: thank you I really want to be your friend
Justin: yeah I guess we could try that
Nick: c-can I have a hug
Justin: sure I said unsure I hugged lightly but he was hugging me tight it felt...good it felt nice being in his arms so I hugged a little tighter too. I realized I was getting a little to comfortable in his arms so I lossended and so did he we let go completely and he smiles at me.
Nick: see you around Justin
Justin: bye nick

Well that was wired he sounded so sorry and honest he was kinda sweet be smelled good also.

I went to first period and sat in my normal seat and waited for raegan. When we walked in he didn't seem happy he didn't even smile back at me he sat down next to me.

Justin: hi rae I said all exited to see him he didn't say anything all he did was show me a photo I looked at it and relizes It was nick and I hugging. How did he get this photo

Justin: I can explain that
Raegan: I'm waiting he said annoyed
Justin: nick came up to me and apologized and asked for a hug that's literally all that happened I was just being nice and gave him a hug.
Raegan: Justin how many times does he have to hurt you to relizes he's no good
Justin: it's just a hug rae
Raegan: I don't care he's no good he's not your friend or your buddy or whatever he's just flirting with you
Justin: raegan hes not flirting with me and even if we was nothing would happen Raegan rolled his eyes and walked out of class I sighed and put my head down.

I dont want him thinking im choosing nick over him I love raegan and it's not like I'm gonna start hanging out with nick.

Lunch came around and raegan has been avoiding me all day i decided to skip lunch and just sitting at my locker in the hallway. I heard my name get called and I was hoping it was raegan.

Nick:hey Justin he said sitting down next to me
Justin: hi
Nick: you ok
Justin: no raegans mad at me I guess
Nick: for what
Justin: hugging you and that I for gave you
Nick: yeah he's douchebag like that sometimes
Justin: yeah I guess. Nick scotted closer to me I looked at him and our faces were very close he looked at me lips and back at my eyes and I did the same. He leanded in but I began to move my head away cause I was not trying to kiss him he took his hand and put it on the back of my head but I pushed him away and stood up.

Justin: wtf nick he also stood up
Nick: I'm sorry your lips there just so kissable he said looking at them and and leaning in I slapped him and turned around to walk off he grabbed my arm and smashed his lips into mine I didn't kiss back I tried to get away but he was holding me pretty tight he was hurting me he slammed me against the lockers very hard and yelled at me to kiss him back I did I kissed him back the bell rang and I knew people would flood these halls Soon "let everyone see" he said in between kisses he took my hand and put it on the back of his head I decided to play along and act like I was enjoying myself I was hoping he would lossen his grip on me I played with his hair and actually kissed him as if I were kissing raegan he smiled into the kiss witch discussed me. I could hear everyone saying "get your phone" I knew people were taking photos and recording I wanted to cry nick eventually lossen and I was able to escape I ran to the nearest exit and was about to leave but the security caught me....

I've never done a cliffhanger before lol enjoy.....PEACE!!!!

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