good news

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The story is in Justin's POV unless I say otherwise

The rest of the day was ok I was stared at and got dirty looks but I'm ok.
Lunch came around Wich is sixth period and my fith period is biology and I have that with no one I know. I walked into the cafeteria and didn't know where to go until I saw a hand in the air I turned my head towards it and saw that it was raegan flaging me down I walked over "Justin I saved you a seat" he padded a seat next to him I sat down "so y'all met" Ryan said "any more of my friends you met"um...kalvin" kale know one calls me kalvin" kale said hitting me in the back of the head and then he took a seat across from me "sorry I whispered loud enough for them to hear with my head down "don't apologize to him he being a dick" raegan said kale rolled his eyes. Then the same boy from the hall that pushed me came and sat down " hey didn't I push you in the hall way earlier" said looking hard at me I nodded "why did you push him" raegan said kinda of pissed "walking slow" Bryce said taking on of Raegans fries " then you go around he said slapping his hand to make him drop it. "Alright" he looked at me and said "sorry" in a bitchy tone "how was it"  Ryan said "how was what" school duh" oh right uh...good I guess" get a girl yet" kale said Ryan slapped his leg  "what?" He's gay" Ryan replied "oh my bad" I chuckled and shook my head looking down "what's funny" raegan said he was sitting so close to me I was in between his legs because of the he was sitting he was facing me "um nothing". We countinued to talk and got know each other. Then his girlfriend came over and look at how raegan was looking and smiling at me and the way he was sitting "raegan we need to talk" she snapped with her arms crossed "talk" alone" she said raegan looked around the table at the guys then at me sighed and got up they went to an empty table they sat next to each other well not next to they left some space in between them raegan didn't look at her she said something he nodded and got up smiling a little he came back and sat down so close to be almost sitting on me "so what happened" you know what happened" he relplied to Bryce "yeah I know" should we celebrate" kale suggest I was so confused "hell yeah" raegan said "celebrate what" they broke up" Bryce said throwing his arm up and smiling he looked at the rest of the table they all shouted "hey" really loud throwing their and up "and that's good" hell yeah"said Ryan "why" i asked we all hated her" kale said laughing "I was gonna break it off with anyway she was annoying as hell".

Hope you enjoyed...PEACE!!!

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