fuck you

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I know some of this stuff would never happens it's just a story

Raegans POV
I talk to Nick and he said he would lay off Justin witch is a good thing cause nick made him nervous. In a bad way.
*Time skip a few days*
Nick is still flirting with Justin. I feel bad because Justin came to me balling his eyes out because nick kept grabbing his ass and rubbing his thighs. I had enough of it and Justin too. I walked up to Nick and in a very stern voice told him to back off.

Raegan: what the hell nick I said getting very close to him
Nick: hey watch who your talking to don't forget what happens the last time you came for me
Raegan : you can't treat me like this I'm not 14 anymore I can stand up to you I'm not scared at this point we are both talking in a very stern voice and and all in each other's faces
Nick: are you sure about that at that point I lost it I started punching him I couldn't stopped. I heard people calling my name telling me to stop but one special voice stuck out the most it was soft and Sweet and sounded like they were about to cry I looked up in fear for I knew who the voice belong to. Justin. I looked up and saw him about to cry I stood up about to walk to him but nick grabbed my leg and pulled me down I could here Justin crying a little I'm surprised I could with all the other noise I heard. I felt relife on my chest a security guard pulled nick of me then I got picked up I looked at Justin he had tears in his eyes I could feel and taste all the blood on my face. It must be hard for him to see me like this. Nick looked like he got shot in a face he was covered in blood and he was yelling things at me while trying to run to me I wasn't paying attention but he then said something that blew me it more madder than I was before just a bunch of fuck you and stuff like that I got the final words witch was " fuck you and stay the fuck away from Justin he's mine" we both got dragged into the office and had to talk to them about what happened. Our parents came up to the school. Well my dad did. I followed my dad him cause I drove my own car to school I got out of my car and so did my dad he looked at me disappointed he put his and out as if we wanted me to give him something I gave him my car keys his and was still out then gave him my phone we sighed and got back in his car to go to work I walked in the house and put my back against the door I screamed very loud I was pissed at myself but mostly nick I was so mad I started crying my eyes out I pulled my self together and went to my personal lounge it's like a living room but it's just for me. I used to be really depressed and mad all the time I used to smoke cigarettes and drink all the time I sill have stuff left over I opened a box I had and grabbed a box of cigs I haven't done this in a while I thought as I lit up I inhaled the smoke and blew out God I missed this I thought to my self I kept going till there was nothing else to smoke I was relaxed I felt better I sat on my couch and lit another then I heard a knock at the door I got up putting my cig out I went to the door and opened it there stood my handsome boyfriend he looked like he'd been crying I grabbed his hand and he literally collasped in my arms all I could do was hold him tight he sniffled into my chest I picked him up so that his legs were wrapped around me I sat him on the couch and held him until he calmed down i felt bad I didn't really know why I'm the one who got into a fight I brushed off my thought he's never seen me mad like that or seen me hurt someone. I told him I've changed but here I am a busted face being suspended I feel like my old self this feels good. Justin lifted his head up he looked up at me
He looked a little better. I leaned down to kiss him he hesitated I probably had blood on my lips but he kissed me he pulled away quick " what" I asked he came closed to my lips and smelled them "have you been smoking" shit I thought to my self "raegan I don't care if you drink or smoke weed just don't do it all the time but no cigarettes try a vape" I smiled and nodded. Then he pulled out a vape and handed it to me. I inhaled for about 5 seconds and blew out a cloud of smoke covers Justin completely I couldn't see him we giggled. It smelled of cotton candy I then felt Justins lips on mine again. He pulled away and looked at my face and head slightly touching it it hurt "it's bad?" I asked he nodded "you have blood in your hair". Justin go off of me and I got off him we walked in the bathroom and I began to clean it Justin stopped me and told me he would do it for me and he did. Once it was clean we decided to go into my lounge "you have your own living room" we call it a lounge but yeah" we sat on the couch and Justin saw the cigarette he grabbed it and looked at me serious "no more" he said very serious "no more" I said and we kissed on it. I feel bad cause I was gonna break my promise like as soon as he left cause after smoking that vape I really want a cig.

Justin left and the first thing I did was drown half a bottle of vodka mixed with sprit and smoked some cigs and passed out. My dad doesn't like when I do this stuff but it's better than cutting I used to smoke and get drunk all the time but I stopped but now you can say I started again I don't know if I like doing this stuff I mean I like the way I feel but I know if Justin knew what I'm doing and that I lied to him he'd be disappointed in me and I don't wanna disappoint him. But I can't stop.

Hope you enjoy and I know raegan does not smoke cigs and raegan would probably kick some ass in a fight send so would Justin it's just a story...PEACE!!!!

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