the party

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So kale is having a part and he invited me since raegan and kale and them are the most popular people in school they invited a lot of people. I'm getting ready I shower brush my teeth do my hair a put in calone I didn't where anything fancy just white jeans and  Marron shirt and shoes. I arrive at kales and already people outside his house drunk as hell I walk in and the smell of alcohol and weed hit me in the face I didn't mind tho I've smoked before so whatever. I find raegan talking to Ryan I would have came with him but dropped off at him because I wanted to drive my new car Wich was amazing anyway I walk over to them and I am gretted by raegan he pulls me into a hug damn he smelled nice. "How's the car" amazing" I said  exited repling to Ryan " you got a car? Asked raegan I nod he smiles in like a "oh that's cool" type of way and nodding his head.
*Time skip*
Ryan is drunk by this time and Raegans a little high but I'm sober I decided to take Ryan home u asked kale if i could leave Ryan's car here because he can't drive he said yes I tell raegan I was leaving "raegan I'm gonna go Ryan is supper drunk" ok give me a kiss" he said slurring his words and trying to kiss me "raegan your drunk of high or whatever" what no I'm not I'm fine I just want to kiss you" before u could say anything he smashed his lips on to mine I didn't kiss back right away but eventually I did it was a nice and passionate kiss I was lost in the moment if our lips moving in perfect sync he didn't even taste like alcohol well a little but not like he drank enough to get him drunk. I pulled away from the kiss he satired and me I did the same he was smirking at me but he leaned in again but we where interrupted but Ryan throwing up behind me "oh boy...i-i got to get him home" I told raegan he said "bye" slightly smiling. I got him to the car and we drove home. All I could think about was that kiss he was definitely not drunk the way he kissed if he kisses like that I wonder how he kisses sober.. hopefully I find out and that's it I went to sleep with raegan in my mind.

Short I know and a boring party oh well hope everyone has a good thanks giving night..... PEACE!!!!!

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