i love you

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Justin's POV
The school day is almost over I spent all day setting up.

Justin's POVThe school day is almost over I spent all day setting up

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What Justin did up top⬆️⬆️

I put blankets on the mattress and set all this up in one of the spare rooms in my basement and I brought my laptop so we can watch movies.
*Time skip*
I texted Ryan and told him to bring raegan over I'm so nervous I started over thinking things like what if raegan doesn't love me back and if this is too much pressure on him that he leaves me I started so shake i hate when I do this my thoughts were inturupted when Ryan texted me saying they were on their way. I took a deep breath and went to the bath room I was sweating i washed my hands and face and put calone and deodorant on so I won't smell bad I didnt have time to take a nother shower I dried my hands and face. I heard someone coming down the stairs I quickly when back into the room and waited. Then I saw my handsome boyfriend standing in the doorway he was blushing he had a big smile on his face and tears in his eyes. He looked back at Ryan who was smirking he gently pushed raegan in the room more and closed the door. He looked back at me and began to slowly walk towards me "Justin what did you do" his voice cracked a little "I did this for you..." I took his hands and held them "raegan we haven't been together long but if you knew me before i moved here you would be surprised on how much I've changed in a good way you make me so happy. And it really hurts that you could even think that I'm cheating on you I would never hurt you beacause i-i love you raegan" omg I just said that. Raegan gapsed when I said I love him but then he smiled "I love you too Justin" those words made me melt I pulled him into a hug I removed my head from his chest and kissed him I could feel him blushing I think I was blushing too.
*Time skip*
We are watching Riverdale I finished it already but raegan hasn't seen it and he wanted to watch it I didn't mind cause it's a good show. We finally finished season 1.
"Wait that's it" raegan said yeah there's only one season" I told him chuckling "season 2 is not on Netflix yet its just on regular TV" well that's shitty" he replied " yeah we don't cures here" I said chuckling at him he playfully rolled his eyes " come on" I said getting up "where" he said looking up at me "to play pool" he got up " to play pool or go swimming" we finna play pool" we walked out if the room into the main part of the basement "your basement it huge" yeah it's pretty nice" we where playing and I noticed that raegan wasn't having as much fun as I was " you wanna quit" uh can we" sure" I said as we out our pool sticks back "we can go into the game room" the game room" raegan questiond "yeah like where the games are" we walked to the game room

"Wait that's it" raegan said yeah there's only one season" I told him chuckling "season 2 is not on Netflix yet its just on regular TV" well that's shitty" he replied " yeah we don't cures here" I said chuckling at him he playfully rolled his eyes...

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Game room⬆️⬆️

"Holy shit" honestly babe stop cussing" I said smiling at him "Im sorry but this is so cool"
*Time skip*
It's about 9:30 now and raegan and i have been in the game room for a long time. "Ok ok one more game" raegan said laughing we were playing air hockey and I was winning we started to play when raegans phone rang. He was in the phone for like a minute the he hung up. "You have to leave" yeah" he said while nodding. We walked upstairs and of course everyone was upstairs "oh I didn't know raegan was here" my dad said "so how was school" Ryan asked smirking WTF I thought to myself "yeah I haven't seen you since this morning how was school" my dad asked raegan looked kinda worried he glanced at Ryan then me "it was good" oh really" Ryan asked he walked over to his backpack "here you teacher wanted me to give you this" what's that" my dad said "oh just the work he missed since he wasn't at school" omg I thought to myself why would Ryan do this to me " you skipped school" my dad did not sound Happy "Justin your going to go upstairs to your room and finish all of the work" ok" I sighed "can I at least take him home please" fine take him home and come right back" I nodded and raegan and I walked to my car "why the hell would he do that" idk" I was so mad at him. We got in the car and phone rang it was Ryan "put it on speaker" raegan said "Ryan what the hell" hey calm down we are not cousins anymore we're brothers now and this is what brothers do" it wasn't nice at all" brothers aren't always nice you made me lie to my best friend so I ratted you out" you agreed to help me" yes I did hey brothers do pranks just have to get me back". Whatever" I replied and hung up.
We arrived at raegans house it was literally a 5 second drive but I didn't want him to walk cause it's dark out "thank you for tonight" raegan said looking at me "no problem" he leaned in and kissed me this was a make out session we never really made out like this but I liked it it lasted like 30 seconds I pulled away when raegan tried to put his tongue in my mouth "not right know" I said Putting my index finger on his lips he chuckled and sat back in his seat "I'll see you tomorrow" he said opening the door and getting out" I nodded and said I love grabbing his hand he held my hand back and said I love you getting out of the car witch was making my hand slip out of his hand. And he closed the door with a smile on my face i drove home my smile fadded away when I realized I have all that work to do. I walk in and there was my dad great "so" he began "Soo" I replied "I know moving is hard but no more skipping school please if your having a problem there are adults in this house you can talk to us " ok" I want that work done by tonight" I sighed and went upstairs.
I finished my work
It's was now 12 damn it's late I was gonna text raegan but I realized what time it was he's probably sleeping. I put on basketball shorts and went to bed with no shirt.

Hope you enjoyed this is the longest chapter I've ever written on the story....is that sad...yes ok....PEACE!!!

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