first day of school

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Justin's POV
I wake up to my family down stairs well mostly my dad calling my name from the bottom of the stairs tell me to get ready. I get up go to my bathroom and undress myself beacause I'm gonna get in the shower. After I showed I got out looked in the mirror and wasn't to disappointed on what I say I looked at my body and flexed I kinda liked what u say. I got dressed in black jeans and my maroon Marilyn Monroe hoodie with maroon shoes and walked down stairs to everyone eating and just getting ready. "You took a long shower" Ryan said putting his shirt on "sorry" I said sarcastically "I'm going to school" wanna ride" Ryan asked "sure" I replied. We walked to his car it was nice... really nice "you have your license don't you" he asked "yeah..
Why" cause that's your car"

*Justin's car👆👆*He said point to a black BMW and pulling out if the driveway

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*Justin's car👆👆*
He said point to a black BMW and pulling out if the driveway. "Really" I was so happy to get a new car "yeah I just thought I would drive you it would just be easier you can drive yourself tomorrow if you want" I nodded smiling bug I was so excited.
*Time skip*
We arrive at school and Ryan gets out and goes to his group of friends and there he was the tall boy I kept seeing and Ryan's boyfriend and some other boys I've never seen I was gonna walk over there but Reagan's girlfriend walked right into me kinda pushing me then walked up to raegan he looked at her she kissed him but he didn't really seem happy to see her. I decided to just walked to the office to get my schedule as I'm walking in I get pushed by some boy that Ryan was with he told me I was walking slow oh well I continued to walk to the main office i got my schedule and was walking out when I bumped into a security guard he was holding raegan and Reagan was laughing and saying "come on it wasn't a big deal" and he saw me "h-hey Justin hi" he said exited to see me for some reason he was trying to stay by me but he was getting pulled into the office "Justin wait for me" he said as he finally got dragged into the office. So I waited I didn't have to wait long then he came out first looking to the left the to right "hey you waited" he said smiling "yeah?" I said confused "oh I'm raegan" he said I would say my name but he knows me already "how do you know my name" I questioned "you live with ryan right" I nodded "he's like my best friend "oh" so where you headed" he said as we walk "um I don't know" he reached his arm out I'm guessing to see my schedule I hand it to him "oh we have all classes together except for gym and biology..hey you can just walk with me all day if you want" does Ryan have any if these classes with us" he has 3 of them with us and lunch so four" I nodded "so why did you move" "um my dad got a new job" oh cool..well I'm glad your here". I smiled he's really cute I mean very cute but he has a girlfriend.
We went to class and we hear someone gasp before walking in we turn our heads and see a girl standing in shock she was frozen raegan had an annoyed face and he growled he looked at me and said to go in and to write his name in the pass the lady in the office gave to me I did as he said as the chased the girl. I walked the teacher told me to sit next to kalvin so I did he looked familiar he was one of the boys Ryan was with I sat down and he scoffed " so your Ryan's friend" I looked at him and nodded "I live with him" I said kina if afriad of him "I'm kale no one calls me kalvin" I nodded "your shy aren't you" again I nodded "you can talk to me I'm not gonna hurt you" he chuckled I gave him a faint smile. After class I waited for everyone to leave to get up as I was about to get up I felt a something hit me I looked in the direction of where the paper came from and there was kalvin I mean kale in the door way half smiling about to walk out I undid the paper ball and it had his number on it I smiled glad I made a friend. I realized that raegan never came back to class like he said he would I didn't know where to go. I found Ryan and he showed me where to go I walked in and saw the same girl from before but this time she had a black eye she quickly looked away when she saw I noticed her eye I felt bad did raegan do that? I asked myself. No he wouldn't I thought. Maybe? Idk. I went to the back of the class a took a seat Reagan walked in and smiled at me and started to walk to me his smile went away when he noticed the girl we saw he gave he an evil look and raegan continued to walk to me and sat Down by me. "Sorry I didn't walk you here I got" he looked at the girl and said "caught up" he chuckled at the end if his sentence so he did hit her but why I decided not ask I figured he had a reason and probably wouldn't want to tell me cause we just met I would just ask Ryan later.

In class AGAIN I know sue me but anyway hop you enjoyed if you have ideas fell free to tell me....PEACE!!! and sill gorunded
And Ryan is Ryan stalvey and he is not trans

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