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I woke up to my dad shaking me
David: Justin take this he said handing me medicine. Raegan was gone when I woke up he texted me and told me he had to get home before his dad did.

I felt a little better but not quit better. My dad made dinner but I didn't feel like eating. "Shit I'm bord" I said to myself. I turned on Netflix and put on criminal minds (Justin actually like criminal minds in real life lol)

*Leaving day*
I woke up to my dad shaking me I was feeling better he said we where leaving in an hour and if I wanted to say bye to raegan now would be a good time. I got out of bed and took a quick shower and got dressed
I walked to raegans house and knocked on the door. Raegans dad opened the door
(Raegans dad's name is Patrick)
Partick: hey Justin come in
Justin: thanks mr.beast
Patrick: came to say goodbye to raegan be asked me
Justin: yeah how did you know
Patrick: your dad told me y'all was going out of town
Justin:oh I um have to tell you something Raegan has been smoking and drinking again his dad sighed and rubbed his head in fustration
Patrick: I was afraid be would get back into his old habits
Partick: raegan dosent really care what I say most of the time do you think you can get him to stop
Justin:I'll do my best
Partick: that's all I asks
Patrick:he's up in his room I started to walk up the stairs.

I walked to the doorway of his room. His door was open. He was sitting in the middle of the floor looking down with his back towards
Justin: raegan I whispered walking in he turned around and looked at me when turned back around. I walked over to him and sat in front of him.
Justin:what's wrong he didn't answer me. I figured this was just him being bipolar. He just looked at the ground looking like he had no emotions he was sitting Cris cross I got on top of him and wrapped my legs around his waist
Justin:I'm leaving today again nothing
Justin:raegan I said with a little force he looked up at me
Justin: I love you I said soft looking into his eyes. He looked so drained.
He looked down again. I lifted his with my finger I got close to his face and told him I loved him again he didn't say it back I leanded in to kiss him I connect our lips he didn't kiss back at first but eventually he Did it wasn't like the other kisses we shared but at least it was something. I sighed and got off of him and stood in front of him looking down on him he was looking at the ground.
Justin:look at me he didn't
Justin: raegan look at me I said firmly he looked at me
Justin: do you love me  he nodded I smiled
Justin:good...I have to go now stand up and give me a hug please. He stood up and hugged me around me the waist and I hugged his neck
Justin: and raegan please don't get in anymore fights  while in gone I felt him nod.
I didn't like seeing him like this I want the normal raegan back.

Enjoy and I'm actually going to be putting stuff that actually happens to people who are bipolar so the story will be realistic.....PEACE!!!

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