please stop

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Two things one I changed Tyler to Damon and two I thought my story got deleted cause like it wasn't on my account so yeah I'm back.

*Time skip to Monday morning at school Justin's POV*
I walk into school and people are like staring and whispering about me I had no idea why I just countined to walk to my locker.
I opened my locker and someone grabbed my arm put it over my head and turned me around and slammed me against the lockers. I opened my eyes and it was the same person you beat me up.
Nick: hey he said smirking he was so close to my face
Justin: h-hi
Nick: you can calm down he said releasing his grip on me
Nick:so I'm sorry you what I did but it looks like it Heald up he said examining my face he just looked at me sill very close to my face then we let me go took a step back looked me up and down and walked away. I was in shock like my heart was pounding cause I was still a little scared. Then the bell ring I quickly ran to class I was late but so was the teacher so I guess I wasn't late. I sat down by raegan my hair was messed up cause I was running fast. He jumped a little when I sat down.

Raegan: what Happened to you
Justin: I was running by I said trying to catch my breath it was a far run
Raegan: why were you late
Justin: I got caught up with nick
Raegan: nick...he apologized
Justin: yeah I said in a sorta type of way
Raegan: why do you mean (hah Justin Bieber)
Justin: he slammed me against the lockers and said sorry
Raegan : yeah he's not really good at that type of stuff
Raegan and I walked to lunch I went to sit down with the guys and raegan went to get food. I wasn't hungry.
Kale: did nick apologize
Justin: uh yeah I said sitting down. Speak of the devil nick walked in he came to me and ruffled my hair " I said sorry so get off my dick" he said talking to the guys. Then he sat next to me kinda close. He made me kinda nervous. He kept looking back to see if I see raegan but he was till towards the back of the line. I thought about just going to him since nick makes me uncomfortable I was about to get but nick grabbed me arm "where you going" he said smiling looking up at me "w-with raegan" come on he'll be back" I looked at the rest of the table and they looked scared I looked at kale and he nodded telling me to sit back down so I did.

It took a minute but raegan finally came back a day he sat in the empty seat next to me. I felt better. I scooted close to him. Like really close. Like I was pressed up against his body I wrapped my arm around his arm and put my head on his shoulder. "You ok" he said looking down at me smiling I just looked up at him and smiled and looked back down.
End of Justin's POV

Raegans POV
I know how nick is he's done it to all of us he'll kinda flirt with our mates for a few days just to mess with us. I knew we would flirt with Justin but I think it's making him uncomfortable. Cause when I sat down he automatically sat very close to me scouting as far from nick as possible. I'll just talk to him about it later.
Justin stayed on me like glue for the rest of lunch.
We all got up to go to class me nick and Justin have this class period together Justin was in front of me he walked in I prettended to walk in and got out off the way so other people could go in and when nick came I stopped him so I could talk to him.

Nick: wassup why did you stop me
Reagan: you're flirting
Nick: with who? Is he really playing dumb with me
Raegan: Justin
Raegan: yeah your making him uncomfortable
Nick: I haven't been flirting with him
Raegan: just please stop
Nick: friends don't lie
Raegan: alright let's go I believed him but something told me I shouldn't.
We walk into class well I thought nick was behind me but he wasn't he didn't come in. I just went to sit with Justin and find him later


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