im his..hes mine

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(It's Saturday )
I woke up to my phone buzzing. I opened my eyes and looked at my phone and it was an unrecognized number it said "do you wanna hang out today" I was confused and then the person said "it's raegan" a smile appeared on my face
(Their convo)
Me: oh um how did you get my number
Raegan: Ryan
Raegan: do you want to
Justin: uh yeah sure I'll be over in 20
Raegan: don't you need my address
Justin: nope
Raegan: How do you know it
Justin: I just do
Raegan: alright I'll see you soon then😘
I got out of bed and showered and did everything else I needed to do and went down stairs. I saw my dad and told him I was gonna hang with a friend he just told me to be safe then Ryan came up the stairs from the basement don't know why he was down there he looked sick he had bags under his eyes like he hadn't slept in ages "that's what you get for drinking" Ryan's dad said throwing him an ice pack Ryan put it on his head I chuckled and left I decided to drive because I love my car I arrived at raegans house and knocked on the door raegan opened the door and smiled at me a pulled me into a hug "hey" hi" I replied. We went to sit on the couch and he looked at me "so about last night" I didn't think he would remember last night "oh boy" I thought to myself " I'm really sorry" about what" the kiss" oh yeah problem you were drunk" he looked at me giltty "yeah..uh that's the thing.. I uh I wasn't uh...I wasn't drunk" I was surprised I was shocked I didnt even know what to think or anything thing I was happy tho "so why did you kiss me" beacause I wanted to but I was nervous so I pretend to be drunk to make it easier on myself". But like why" I had to answer a question" what was the question "am I bi and do I like you....I know we just met and all but I've never fallen for someone so hard so fast..I really like you Justin". Again I was surprised and confused a little but so so so happy cause I like him too. I smiled at him "i-i like you too raegan" he smiled " you do" I nodded he leans in to kiss me we kissed it was nice and better than Last night I think beacause he was tired last night. I pulled away "raegan" I ask with our fourheads touching "what are we" he smiled "will you be my boyfriend" I smiled and nodded I was so I overly excited my eyes started to water but I didn't cry.

I'm sorry this is short but it's late and I'm tired so good night everyone....PEACE

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