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I can't even finish my food cause my face hurts. I put my food away well back on my desk and lay on my bed.
I guess I fell asleep cause i woke up in a cold sweat and my mouth was dry I guess that I had bad dream but I don't remember. Everything feels weird my hearing is of and my vision is kinda blurry what happened to my glasses I look for them I find them on my night stand their broken great I take my glasses and a hot glue gun and tried to fix them. I got them fixed the beast I could. But I still felt wired like everything is in slow motion or something I sit in my bed and just wait for raegan what's taking him so long I ask myself my thoughts were were inturupted by a knock at my door. I look up and see raegan I give him a slight smile he walks over to me with a bag in his hand "how you doing" he asked sitting next to me and putting the bag on the floor "good I guess....you took a long time" yeah sorry I uh went to the store I got you some stuff" he passed me a Pepsi and candy "aww thank" no problem" he replied kissing my cheek I flinched a little cause my face was sore "sorry" it's fine I said getting up and placing the candy on my desk "are you hot" I turned around "no why" your sweaty" I had a bad dream" I said turning back around and walking to my bathroom "but I don't remember it". I looked in the mirror my lip was bloody I rolled my eyes as I look at myself "come on I'll help you" raegan turned me around and lifted and put me on top on the counter "no no I'm fine" I said trying to get off the counter he stopped me "come on I can clean it for you cause it uh....gross" I sighed he began to clean it for me. When he was done I looked at and I looked at him then at his lips I started to lean in he stopped me "no Justin" he said softly "why" I said pulling him closer he chuckled and picked me up so my legs were around his waist with my arms around his neck he carried me to my bed it hurt a little but I like being in his arms. He put me down and looked at me guilty "I'm sorry" he said sad I was confused "for what" nick he's apart of our group he didn't know you and i here dating" but why would he do it" he uh have this thing where we kinda beat up the new kids" why would you do that" it wasn't my idea" he kinda sopped for a long time we only do it to the freshman mostly" but I'm not a freshman you do look kinda young for a Jr" have you done it" my voice kinda cracked "yea a couple of times but I haven't beat anyone up in months" w-what about that girl" what girl" the girl when we were in the hall way and you told me to go in class and you never came back" oh Tish" (idk why Tish my fingers just typed her name sorry Tish) she deserved it" what did she do" I was kinda afraid to ask "alot if things"....I don't wanna talk about this anymore anyway I'm sorry and I talked to Nick he's gonna apologize when he comes back from suspension" I nodded. Raegan and I layed down in my bed it kinda hurt but I ignored it I still didn't understand why he beat that girl "raegan?" I asked quitly but enough for him to hear me "yeah" what did you hit that girl" he sighed and lossend his grip around me "Justin I told you I don't wanna talk about it... maybe I'll tell you when I'm ready but not now" I understand" I replied I kissed his neck not sexually but in a comforting way he chuckled ever so slightly and we fell asleep.

2 updates in a row hahah alright I'm done....PEACE!!!?

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