took a beating

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It's Monday now we'll Monday morning I didn't want to get up my bed was so comfortable and warm but I had to go to school. I got up and showered I got out of the shower and I glanced at my phone and I saw  I had a text from raegan I walked over to my phone that was on my bed and it read "morning babe see you at school😍♥️" I smiled at my phone I put my phone down then finished getting ready I walked to the stairs about to go down the first step and then one of my little cousins pushed pass me running and laughing then the other cousin came running passed me I guess they were just playing together. I made it down stairs to see all the adults all dressed expect for my dads high school friend I think his name it Tom I haven't really talk to him much he was still in his PJs I guess he didn't have anywhere to go this morning. My dad was making coffee I grabbed a bottle of water and told everyone I was leaving.
*Time skip*
I'm at school now walking to my locker I glanced to my left and I could barely see but could still see a person walking very close behind me but kinda next to me he pushed me into the lockers.
Boy: you're new aren't you he said kinda pleased

Justin: y-yeah

Boy:what's your name?

Justin: j-justin

Boy: you stutter a lot don't you he asked tillting his head

I shrugged

"Get em nick" I heard someone yell the voice shounded formiliar

I then saw kale I looked at him and he looked at me "nick nick wait that's justin"
"I know" nick replied pulling his arm back about to punch me. Kale tried to stop him but it was to late he punched me right in the face then the stomach and all over the whole time Ryan and kale and Bryce tried to stop him but then I kinda blacked out a little .
*Time skip*
I woke up in my bed? What? I sat up and walked to my bathroom I looked in the mirror I had a black eye busted lip and my back and sides were killing me.
"Hey buddy" I heard I looked and saw Ryan
"Hi"I said softly
Ryan: how you feeling
Justin: good I guess
Ryan: you really took a beating he said placing a bag of taco bell on my desk in my room.
Ryan: I uh I got you food you've been asleep for a while and your dad told me you haven't eaten breakfast
Justin:thanks where is my dad
Ryan: he went back to woke he's gonna be home late I'm gonna stay with you though
I nodded
Ryan: you should probably call raegan he's been worried about you.
Again I nodded
Ryan: I'll be down stairs if you need me
And he left I grabbed my phone and called raegan. He answered quick as if he's been waiting for a call.
Justin: h-hey b-babe
Raegan: OMG Justin are you ok
Justin: y-yeah just s-ore
Raegan:can I see you
Justin:yeah come over
Raegan:ok I'm coming
I limped over to my desk grabbed the food and sat down on my bed. And waited for raegan while eating slowly.

Sorry it's short I say that evertime but I've been writing this all day lol update soon....PEACE!!!!!

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