you were right

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The security guard took me to the office we are not supposed to leave early so I thought I was getting in trouble for that.

I'm in the principal's office and he walked and sits down.
(Principal= p)

P: you're not in trouble
Justin: I'm not I said lifting my head to look at him
P: no we saw everything on the security cameras
Justin: what did you see the principal turned his computer around and showed me what happened in the hallway with nick I don't know why but I broke down and cried.
The principal came around and hugged me
P: we called your dad he should be coming soon you can wait in here or outside the office I decided to go outside the office. I herd footsteps raegan was walking towards me he walked right into the office didn't even look at me.

A few minutes later he walked out and hugged me tight as ever.
I broke down again
Raegan: the principal showed me the video
Justin: I'm sorry I should have believed you I'm sorry I said balling
Raegan:it's ok you were just trying to be nice. I removed my head from his shoulder and leanded in to kiss him I hessitated but I did it this was our first kiss since I've been back it was nice I could tell his lip hurt because of the stitches but I needed this kiss and I think he needed it too. This lasted for about 20 seconds I pulled away and hugged him again.

Raegan and are just sitting here talking about things the principal comes and tells my dad is here and he told raegan he had to stay at school knowing him he probably would have came with me. We hugged and I went to my dad he was standing outside his car waiting for me I ran to him and hugged him. He wispered "it's ok" until I calmed down we got in the car and drove home.

I'm trying to sleep in my bed but I can't I need a cuddle buddy I thought. My phone went off I got a text from Damon.
Damon: I saw what happened...that wasn't real was it
Justin: no he forced me
Damon: oh I'm sorry do want company or do you wanna be alone
Justin: come over please
Damon: alright I'll be right over.

Short I know... PEACE!!!!

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