day with damon

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Damon is coming over soon so I should probably get myself together there is no reason to be crying raegan is not mad in not in trouble I go to the bathroom and wash my face with cold water.

I figured Damon and I would just be mostly in the game room so I went down there and put out snacks and drinks. I heard the door open so I figured he was here I went up there and my dad opened the door.
Justin: hey Damon
David: oh I didn't know you were expecting company he said turning around and letting Damon in
Justin:yeah I just didn't want alone
David: oh ok have fun

Damon and I went to the game room
Justin: there's stuff to eat and drink in the bar he nodded and walked to the bar
Damon: do you guys like drink this stuff he said referring to all the liquor
Justin: yeah sometimes.. want me to make you uncle tough me how to makes this
Damon: sure he said unsure I started making the drinks adding different things in it it was a blue drink  that got darker as it filled the cup and It tasted good. I finished and slide a cup filled with the blue liquid to damon I took a sip of mine
Justin: go ahead it's good he took a sip of his and coughed
Justin:it's a little strong I said laughing. I finished mine and washed my cup Damon was still working on his.

He played the Xbox and played pool and ate suff it was a good time. My phone started ringing while Damon and I were playing call of duty it was my love
Raegan: hey babe you sound better
Justin: yeah I said laughing
Justin: no don't shoot me I said yelling at damon
Raegan: what who are you with
Justin: I'm playing Xbox with Damon
Raegan: mhm
Raegan: I wanna see you he said in a whining voice
Justin: you can come over when damon leaves
Raegan: why can't I come over now he said whinny
Raegan: you don't love me
Justin: of course I love you it just I looked at Damon playing the game so focused
Justin: Damon is a little intimidated by you
Raegan: by me he pretend to be shocked
Raegan: ok ok but as soon as he leaves I'm coming over
Justin: ok bye love you
Raegan: love you too.

Damon and I countined to play the game until he had to go home....I think I found my new best friend.

Enjoy... PEACE

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