long chapter & the end

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I went home and went to my bed I felt bad for getting mad at raegan I know that some of the things he does he can't help it he just does it. I decided to call him.

Justin: hey c-an I come over
Raegan: yeah of course
Justin: ok I'm coming

I got up and went down stairs and told my dad I was going to Raegans house he sayed not to stay out too late. I walked to his house and knocked on the door he answered it and hugged me.

Raegan: I'm so sorry Justin I should have
Justin: raegan. I cut him off
Justin: it's ok I forgive you
Raegan: why do I keep messing up and making you mad at me I hate being bipolar I'm crazy
Justin: raegan stop you're not crazy
Justin: that's part of being in a relationship making each other mad at some point
Raegan: you never make me mad
Justin: I did that one day when nick kissed me
Raegan: oh yeah we both laughed

We went to his room and layed on his bed and watched TV.

*Time skip a couple months*

Raegans POV
I woke up mad as hell and I don't know why I've been aggressive the last couple of days and now mad and aggressive. I walk downstairs and get greeted by my dad I instantly snap I'm annoyed at every little thing.

I arrive at School dressed in all black with my hoodie up I walk in and see my friends and my boyfriend I ignore them and just walk pass and go to my first class period.

I hate when I'm angry sometimes I can't control anything I say or do I hate the fact that I just ignored my boyfriend I love him so much and I just walked past him like I didn't even know him. I saw Justin walk in he lightly smiled at me I looked at him and growled and rolled my eyes and looked away.
Justin: Hey babe I heard him say sitting next to me
Raegan: I'm not in the mood to talk to you I said not looking at him
Justin: did I do something wrong.
In my head I was saying "no you didn't do anything wrong I'm just Moody and I'm upset at nothing just please don't talk to me I love you but I just can't right now I don't want to talk to anybody just please leave me alone." But instead I had to say.
Raegan: shut up and leave me alone. He gasped a little and didn't talk to me for the rest of the class witch is what I wanted.

Second period I just left and went home I didn't want to be at school. I just laid in bed doing nothing I heard a few dings from my phone but I just ignored them.

I've literally been doing nothing all day i wonder what time it is. Heard a knock on the door I didn't want to get up but I Did I went to the door and opened it it was Justin.

Justin: are you ok. I tried so hard not to say anything mean
Raegan: I'm fucking fine. I said walking away from the door. Justin closed it and followed me.
Justin: do you wanna talk. I just shook my head no.

We sat on the couch he saddle my lap and sat on me.

Raegan: get the fuck off me I said calm but stern
Justin: no. God I love him he knows what I'm going through when I was dating my girlfriend she really couldn't handle my mood swings but Justin can he knows that how ever many times I tell him to go away or to leave me alone he knows I don't mean it and I actually want him to be with me.

Justin: do you want me to leave. His voice is so calm and soothing. I shook my head no he nodded and kissed my check I missed him so much I grabbed his face pulled him towards me and kissed him I felt him smile against my lips usually I would have smiled too but I didn't. I licked his bottom lip asking for entrance he denied I slapped his ass and he moaned into the kiss I stuck my tongue in his mouth. We made out for a while I grabbed his hips and forced him to grind against me eventually he caught on and began to grind by himself I was enjoying myself I felt my anger going away Justin was a little tense still I took my hands off his ass and put one on his back and slowly rubbed and the other on his cheek. I felt him loosen up he became a little more aggressive with me I didn't mind.

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