can we wait

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Raegans POV
Justin said I could go over later but I'm starting to think I shouldn't cause I'm kinda horny....just part of being bipolar I guess.

Justin and I have never done anything sexual before we just made out and french kissed he's touch my dick through my pants before but nothing more than that I mean I want to have sex with him not just because I'm horny but because I love him and I want to make love to him. I think I should just jack off until he tells me to come over. I don't wanna push him to do anything hes not ready for.

I went to my drawer and grabbed the tube of lube I have I put it on and started to jack off it felt somewhat good but it would be better if I had a picture of Justin or if Justin was doing this to me I countined but wasn't enjoying this as much I used to.

I got a text from Justin he said he was gonna come over to my house casue Ryan and his parents are fight I replied with a simple ok. i cleaned my self and put the lube back in my drawer. I washed my hands and waited for Justin.

Justin's POV
Damon went home cause Ryan and his parents are fighting I told raegan that I would just go to his house he said ok

*At Reagan's*
I knock and his dad answers and tells me raegan is in his room i go to his room and hes looking for something
Justin: hey babe I said walking in
Raegan: hey he said still looking for something
Justin: what are you looking for
Raegan: my remote to the tv can you help me
Justin: yeah sure I said putting my backpack down
I looked under his bed and nothing I looked on his night stand witch his next to his bed
I opened it and was surprised about want I saw it was a tube of lube I chuckled a little and took it out
Justin: babe what is this I said turning around and trying not to laugh
Raegan: what's what he said turning around to face me. He was embarrassed I could tell cause he blushed hard
Raegan: that's uh....n-not mine
Justin:this is not yours
Raegan: nope
Justin: raegan there is no need to lie
Raegan: alright's mine
Justin: no I said pretending to be surprised
Raegan: sit down he said also sitting
Raegan: you know I'm bipolar I nodded
Raegan: so one of the things that comes with being bipolar I get horny...a lot and well I'm just a naturally sexual person. I would never push you to do something your not ready for. So I you know he took his hand motioned him jacking off
Justin: you want to have sex I was getting nervous I don't know if I'm ready to have sex with him.
Raegan: yeah like I love you i want to spend the rest of my life you I want you to be my first but if your not ready we can wait
Justin: yeah can we wait I love you too it's just I don't think I'm ready
Raegan: that's ok he said kissing my head
Raegan: I love you so much
Justin: I love you too I said hugging him
Raegan: hey uh I found the remote I chuckled
Justin: good let's watch something

As we where watching the show I wasn't really paying attention I was thinking about Reagan and i. I feel bad I don't want him to think I don't love or that he's pushing me to do anything cause he's not I know that he'll be gentle and wait till I'm ready I'm just not comfortable showing my lower half of my body I only have top surgery and he has both. I know raegan won't judge but I just need time.


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